Wednesday, August 26, 2020
american immigration Essay -- essays research papers fc
     â€Å"Here isn't simply a country, yet an overflowing country of nations†. These renowned words, which were spoken, by the popular creator and writer Walt Whitman is an ideal method to depict our consistently changing mixture society, which we call America. Movement has affected and changed our nation from multiple points of view, a significant number of which being financial reasons from 1820-1860. There have been numerous purposes behind individuals moving to America. Among the highest point of these reasons are those of Political Freedom, and Economic chances, which incorporate individuals needing more cash and better occupations. A lot of workers from this timespan stopped by method of Slavery. From the 1820s until 1860 Immigration to America has influenced the national economy in numerous positive and negative manners.      Around 1830 in America there was a bounty of land at a modest cost, occupations were found with little trouble in view of the diminished birth rate and high urbanization and industry that was incredibly expanding. The fascination that America had towards the Immigrants was mostly the a lot of land for ranches, which the individuals enormously wanted. A considerable lot of the unexpected appearances to America were followed with reports to the people’s country nations that the avenues of America were â€Å"paved with gold†. This idiom was to allude to the flourishing that the American economy had during the early19th century. Numerous nations outside of America during this time were in incredible sadness.      When there is no land left for cultivating of a yield, which is vigorously depended on all through your nation, individuals will in general leave. One fundamental wellspring of migration to America was the Irish. During the mid 1800s Ireland’s populace developed quickly and huge numbers of the individuals lived on little homesteads that created practically nothing, due to their destitution the individuals relied principally upon the potato crop. Anyway around 1845 a plant ailment executed most of the yield. Around seventy five percent of a million people passed on and thousands all the more left the nation looking for a superior life. A large number of the displaced people to America from Irish were younger than thirty-five and men. Families sent their solid children to the New World so as to bring in cash to bear the cost of the excursion of the other relatives. Despite the fact that there was a low birth rate and abundant employments in America a large number of the Irish found that the quick dad... crop into texture that was sold and conveyed all through the world. The African-Americans were the most powerful settler gathering to come to America during this time. They were utilized as slave work principally to collect the colossal cotton crops in the south. This gathering despite the fact that were not permitted to partake in any type of state funded instruction did anyway collect numerous eminent authors, artists and government officials.      As appeared, the migration of changed ethnic gatherings extraordinarily credited to America's prospering economy. Without them this nation would have fallen and crumpled not long after it's creation. Book reference 1.     Http:// American Immigration. 2001 2.     The American Pageant. David M. Kennedy, Lizabeth Cohen, Thomas A. Bailey. Copyright 2002. Houghton Mifflin Company 3.     World Book Encyclopedia. Volumes A&I. William H. Nault, Frank D. Drake. Copyright 1989. World Book Inc. Chicago, Illinois. 4.     Immigration: Opposing Viewpoints. David L. Drinking spree, Bruno Leone. Copyright1992. Greenhaven Press, Inc., San Diego, California.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Power of Visualization GraphDB Now Enables Custom Graph Views
The Power of Visualization: GraphDB Now Enables Custom Graph Views Ontotext has as of late discharged the most recent 8.3 rendition of its mark semantic diagram database GraphDB.One of the key new highlights we’ve produced for this discharge is a wizard-like interface that guides clients into making different representations of RDF information with various beginning stages. You can design the default diagram perception with the full expressivity of the SPARQL language to control what chart information you need to be displayed.GraphDB now empowers you to unravel a great deal of the convoluted issues originating from managing true information. You have the ability to control the beginning stage of the perception just as to make more than one representations over similar information. With this cool custom chart sees, information investigation, information examination and information revelation become simpler and quicker. So you can utilize GraphDB’s capacity to derive connections that are not expressly expressed so as to get the full imag e of your information and acquire extra information about the connections in your datasets. What is GraphDB?GraphDB is a RDF database, agreeable with the RDF4J interfaces. One of its key highlights is that it is prepared to-utilize and that it lets you load huge amounts of information from a wide range of datasets. It likewise permits you to develop applications from the free form to the standard release and to the endeavor version, which underpins strong group and scaling.Developing our semantic diagram database is a continuous procedure of refinement and we are constantly amped up for the new highlights we are intending to include the not so distant future. We additionally offer amazing help to our locale and business customers just as a full set-up of movement administrations to assist you with getting started.Why is GraphDB Easy to Use?If you pick GraphDB as your semantic diagram database, you can depend on a smooth encounter all through the entire pattern of working with information. GraphDB can take any organized information and produce a RDF out of it. Clearly, some of the time you would need to clean and change the information first, which is secured by our OntoRefine interface, coordinated into the workbench. At last, you can uncover your information as connected data.So we have made the entire procedure simple for you from beginning with certain information, doing information demonstrating and getting huge information as a result.At a later stage, you can likewise stack any dataset from the Linked Open Data cloud or some other RDF datasets.  How to Visualize Data and Create Custom Graphs with GraphDBGraphDB 8.3 encourages you arrange the manner in which you extend your visual diagram. In view of our work with different clients, we have built up the most effective path for you to control the representations. The incredible SPARQL language encourages you model nearly everything in your diagram representations. With the custom chart see setup, you can decide to begin with a pursuit box, a fixed hub or a SPARQL diagram inquiry result. Starting with a hunt box implies that you have one diagram design, yet each time you look for an alternate hub to be your beginning hub. Then again, starting with a diagram question result implies that you can picture everything that you can demonstrate with SPARQL as the underlying condition of your chart. This gives you a more extravagant involvement with investigating your information and finding covered up links.There are likewise four distinct questions that permit you to design the conduct and introduction of your diagrams. The primary inquiry determines how new hubs and connections are added to the visual diagram when the client grows a current hub. The subsequent one decides the hub appearance the content, shading, size dependent on mark, type and rank capacity. Next, you can control what information to show up for each hub as metadata in the side board. At long last, you can likewise pick how the predicates are named in these charts. Instructions to Develop Interactive Graph Exploration?With these four sorts of questions, you can work in some genuine information scenarios.For model, once in a while you might need to coordinate custom cosmology blueprint that doesn’t follow the RDFS name or the SKOS mapping. Here, GraphDB makes it simple by permitting you to pick which mark to be shown as the favored label.Alternatively, on the off chance that you have provenance or metadata, you might need to expel it from your perception. Or then again you may need to consolidate various connects to create new important ones.Finally, once in a while you need to channel a few examples dependent on channels created with SPARQL. Or then again, when not all things are appropriately demonstrated with the current information, you can produce RDF assets on the fly.What Else is Exciting in GraphDB 8.3?The most recent GraphDB discharge doesn’t just let you control the manner in which you need to imagine your chart. Its new highlights additionally empower you to assemble more than one perception on similar information and show you various kinds of hubs and connections over it.It’s likewise critical to take note of that a visual diagram setup is in excess of a spared chart. A spared chart is only a depiction of a diagram. It isn't practical as, without a chart design, you won’t have the option to grow it.Another cool thing is that GraphDB’s diagram representation has no impediments on the size of the information, as long as the database motor can question the data with SPARQL and there are no limitations in your web browser.However, GraphDB’s visual diagram has a most extreme number of connections to show in light of the fact that, regardless of whether your internet browser permits it, it’s not reasonable to have an unbounded number of connections. In this way, the more explicit you make your questions, the more proficiently you can investigate your information, in vi ew of what you are truly inspired by, instead of attempt to picture the same number of connections as possible.GraphDB likewise permits you to imagine remote information. There are two different ways to do that. The first is to utilize the remote areas. You run a GraphDB server facilitated elsewhere, and you can design remote areas and interface with them. The other choice is to utilize SPARQL that permits you not exclusively to question remote information yet in addition to do remote joins. Simply remember that, on the off chance that you attempt to do remote joins, the exhibition of the SPARQL inquiries might be affected.Now you perceive how GraphDB 8.3 and its new energizing visual diagram creation abilities places you in charge of what information you need to be questioned, marked and imagined. The ability to make your own visual diagrams empowers you to investigate all your datasets and in particular, the connections between your individual information hubs. GraphDB, combined w ith SPARQL, gives you an inside and out perspective on your data. Also, as you most likely are aware, the intensity of derivation and custom representation transforms your data into information and insights.Want to make custom chart sees over your RDF information?
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Im just curious as to why you keep invoking William Faulkner.
Im just curious as to why you keep invoking William Faulkner. I had not the greatest week, but tune in tomorrow for my misadventures with the reply-to-all feature and otherwise I dont want to destroy the organic unity of this entry. Anyway, in the midst of this not the greatest week, I was thinking about limericks, which of course led me to thinking about quiz bowl. I was thinking about how much fun I had doing quiz bowl in high school, even though Im not on the MIT College Bowl team or anything. Do you do quiz bowl? If so, here are the three most important things you should remember for quiz bowl competitions: 1. Beethoven wrote only one opera, and it was called Fidelio. 2. Nearly all of the work of William Faulkner is set in the fictional Yoknapatawpha County. 3. The third-largest city in Ireland is called Limerick. and why was I thinking about limericks today? Well, I saw this stray piece of graffiti on a chalkboard as I was walking through building 56. Get it? The integral of z squared dz From one to the cube root of three All times the cosine Of three pi oer nine Equals ln of the cube root of e. When I was at home, my friend Ben asked me if everybody at MIT would understand the E/c^2 sqrt(-1) PV/nR shirt. I was just about ready to say, Oh, not everyone, were not that stereotypical but then I gave it a few seconds of thought and concluded, with some surprise, Uh yeah, I think so. Dont worry, youve still got time to learn.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Dealing With Divorce Through Humor
Divorce is not funny business. Its hard to laugh when two people are fighting over money, property, and kids. However, divorce is gaining social acceptance in many parts of the world. Humor helps to alleviate the pain of separation, and sarcasm brings out your witty side. So, if you feel like being nasty, it is better to release your nastiness through sarcastic quotes than by snapping at your friends and family. If you are going through a difficult divorce, you may want to lighten up. Make room for humor in your heart, however bitter you feel right now. Find ways to vent your disappointment. Rant out loud with friends. If you are seething with anger, let off some steam with these funny divorce quotes. A sense of humor may be your best friend during this difficult time. Divorce Quotes Lewis GrizzardInstead of getting married again, Im just going to find a woman I dont like and give her a house. Oscar WildeDivorces are made in heaven. Dave BarryToday, it is easier to get divorced in most states than to get a transmission repaired properly. Garry TrudeauIn Palm Springs, they think homelessness is caused by bad divorce lawyers. John Kenneth GalbraithThe happiest time of anyones life is just after the first divorce. Zsa Zsa GaborHe taught me housekeeping; when I divorce I keep the house. Woody AllenThe only time my wife and I had a simultaneous orgasm was when the judge signed the divorce papers. I should have known something was wrong with my first wife. When I brought her home to meet my parents, they approved of her. Mary Kay BlakelyDivorce is the psychological equivalent of a triple coronary bypass. After such a monumental assault on the heart, it takes years to amend all the habits and attitudes that led up to it. J. B. HandelsmanJust another of our many disagreements. He wants a no-fault divorce, whereas I would prefer to have the bastard crucified. Jimmy FallonA 99-year-old man is filing for divorce from his 96-year-old wife, making them the worlds oldest divorced couple. Its got to be weird when a divorce lawyer is fighting for your kids to get custody of you.A new study found that women gain more weight after marriage, but men gain more weight after a divorce. Yeah, the divorce usually takes place after men point out that women gained more weight after marriage. Groucho MarxMarriage is the chief cause of divorce. Jean KerrBeing divorced is like being hit by a Mack truck. If you live through it, you start looking very carefully to the right and to the left. Johnny CarsonThe difference between a divorce and a legal separation is that a legal separation gives a husband time to hide his money. Wendy LiebmanMy mother always said dont marry for money, divorce for money. Robin WilliamsAh, yes, divorce... from the Latin word meaning to rip out a mans genitals through his wallet. Helen RowlandLove, the quest; marriage, the conquest; divorce, the inquest. Dave BarryYou should be prepared for anything during divorce proceedingsâ€â€even the truth. James CaanTo get over my divorce, I got a prescription to live at the Playboy Mansion for a while. Ruth GordonIn our family, we dont divorce our menâ€â€we bury them. Mike TysonYou cant stay married in a situation where you are afraid to go to sleep in case your wife might cut your throat. Bette DavisI’d marry again if I found a man who had $15 million and would sign over half of it to me before the marriage and guarantee he’d be dead in a year. Lenny ClarkeI can’t get divorced because I’m a Catholic. Catholics don’t get divorced. They stay together through anger and hatred and festering misery, just like God intended. Mickey RooneyA lot of people have asked me how short I am. Since my last divorce, I think Im about $100,000 short. Evan EsarSome women get divorces on the grounds of incompatibility; others, on just the first two syllables. Many a woman would get a divorce if she could do it without making her husband happy. Tommy ManvilleShe criedâ€â€and the judge wiped her tears with my checkbook. Louis C.K.Divorce is always good news. I know that sounds weird, but its true because no good marriage has ever ended in divorce. That would be sad. If two people were married and they just had a great thing and then they got divorced, that would be really sad. But that has happened zero times. Chelsea PerettiMy parents divorced when I was one year old so I don’t really remember any of the details, but luckily, my mom does so she’s been really helpful. John CleeseI got off lightly. Think what I’d have had to pay Alyce if she had contributed anything to the relationshipâ€â€such as children or a conversation. Russell BrandWhen youre a monk, youre not allowed to have sex with anyone. When youre married, its one person. Thats one more than a monk. Its not that different.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
International Business - 1604 Words
Brian Cash Wal-Mart Case Study International Business How has the implementation of NAFTA affected Wal-Mart’s success in Mexico? When NAFTA was implemented in Mexico, it was an almost immediate success for Wal-Mart. This was because they lowered and abolished the tariffs that Wal-Mart was required to pay prior to the implementation of NAFTA. With the lack of tariff fees, all of the Wal-Marts in Mexico have been able to offer the â€Å"Every Day Low Prices†that we Americans are used to. The Mexican population has other retail options, but none offer the variety of products at the prices that Wal-Mart can offer them. Prior to NAFTA, Wal-Mart was having strong levels of success all over Mexico, but was taking a huge hit as it†¦show more content†¦Wal-Mart is still successful but the due to NAFTA and is a successful business model for other companies to follow. If other companies such as Target or K-Mart tried to venture into that market they could be just as successful, but would still be competing against Wal-M art’s enormous scale. 3. What have Comerci and Soriana done to remain competitive? What else do you think they need to do to remain competitive in the future? Comerci and Soriana were once the staple consumers flocked too. This was of course due to the lack of many other options available to them in the market. Wal-Mart of course came in with their â€Å"Every Day Low Price†guarantee and that changed everything in Mexico’s consumer market. Both companies reacted by trying to lower their prices in order to compete with Wal-Mart, but the mega-business that is Wal-Mart has a much deeper wallet and was able to firmly grip the market with its buying power. Mexico retailers use a different pricing structure known as â€Å"high and low†, rather than lowering the prices they offer sales or deep discounts but still cannot compete with Wal-Mart’s pricing. (Daniels, Radebaugh, amp; Sullivan, 2013) So Comerci, Soriana and Gigante formed a purchasing consortium that allows them to negotiate better pricing from suppliers. This collaboration known as Sinergia, ran into problems with Mexican regulators and the consumer pr oduct council. These agencies feared that Sinergia would use itsShow MoreRelatedInternational Business Ventures2671 Words  | 11 PagesInternational Business Ventures Measuring a potential business venture has many aspects which the international manager must be aware of in order to convey the correct information back to the decision makers. Being ignorant to any of the aspects can lead to a false representation of the project, and hence an uninformed decision being passed. In order for a business to survive it must grow. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Decline of Han and Gupta Dynasty Free Essays
Matthew Vinas Chapter 510/9/12 The Han dynasty and Gupta India were both large powerful empire who conquered most if not all their surrounding neighbors. They left a impression on the surrounding area and its history. Regardless of this influence they could not avoid the looming end that was coming. We will write a custom essay sample on Decline of Han and Gupta Dynasty or any similar topic only for you Order Now Like all large civilizations of its time both Gupta India’s and the Han’s golden age had to end. There are many reasons for this the largest ones being corrupt or weak government, foreign invasions, and internal rebellion. Gupta India was a highly advance culture containing advance mathematics, astronomy, and city planning. But none of these advancements could save them from the decline and eventual fall of their civilization caused by weak government. Following the death of Skanda Gupta in 467 CE rebellion and civil war began to tear the empire apart causing a time of unsteady rule. The constant rebellion caused the government’s power in society to decline to . Due to the decline of government, many necessary part of society had to be ignored in an effort to fix the current problems that were being faced. This neglect allowed for the military to decline resulting in the increasing success of the Huns invasions. These invasions took a heavy toll on the government of Gupta, more specifically its rulers causing them to lose more and more power. This lack of sturdy rule allowed the people of Gupta to rebel against its government and its government officials which lead to the invasions of Gupta. Aside from the weakened monarchy, the very personalities of the later Gupta Kings contributed to the ultimate fall of this dynasty. Similar to Gupta the decline of the Han dynasty can be sum up to three points corrupt and incompetent government and rebellion. isrt of all the governmet of Han was corrupt. Toward the end of Wudi’s reign in 156 BCE, violence erupted between the empress and Wudi’s concubine over the heir to the throne. Eventually, a compromise ruler was chosen, but the decline of the Han Dynasty had already begun. Later emperors were incompetent, and their reigns were marked by corruption, and a lust for immortality. This obsession and corrustion was the main reasons for the co nstant invasion attempts. The wars and large armies put an enormous burden on the economy. The lack of currency, trade, and natural disasters created an uneasy feeling between the Han nobles and their peasants. The main reason of this is due to massive food shortages caused by the massive overpopulation. To conclude the decline of both civilization were the cause of many factors. Like all large civilizations of its time both Gupta and the Han dynasty had to come to an end. Though different in culture both the Gupta and Han dynasty declined and eventually fall due to its weakened government, constant foreign invaders, and its rebellions. How to cite Decline of Han and Gupta Dynasty, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Sports Info Essay Example For Students
Sports Info Essay supplements range from protein shakes to illegal anabolic steroids. Some sports izzle out, while others still work well but do more damage than good in the long run. In the past athletes had to turn to such things as anabolic steroids or blood doping (the process of taking out blood and adding oxygen to it and putting it back into your body in order to increase a persons endurance). However, these procedures have many drawbacks. Mainly, thCreatine One of the primary things an athlete will do is put supplements into their body. ey are illegal. An athlete may be suspended from playing their perspective sport for using them. They have many long terms and short term side effects. Many supplements are as simple as packaged energy and others require a strict exercise and eating regimen. I will explore sports supplements focusing on creatine and its effect on the sport world. The first and most basic sports supplements are protein weight gainers. This normally comes in the form of powder and works best when mixed with milk. The main reason for taking extra protein is to gain weight and muscle mass. In todays athletics, whether it is high school, college, or professional, the athletes are getting bigger and stronger. Protein works the best when the athlete is on a strict work out regimen. Many sports supplements are a combination of herbs and proteins. A popular supplement of this sort is called Heat. Heat has many different ingredients in it that allow the athlete to experience more energy by creating more heat. This allows the athletes body to work more efficiently and therefore work faster, stronger, and longer. This is very important in the sports world because it is becoming harder and harder to compete at an unsupplemented level. Athletes want every advantage that he or she can receive. Now there is a substance that can give an athlete the edge that they desire. One of the most popular and effective sports supplements on the market today is Pure creatine Monohydrate. Creatine was first introduced to the US in 1993 by a supplement company called Experimental and Applied Sciences. Since that time it has become one of the most demanded items on the market. The creatine that is bought in stores duplicates the natural creatine that is produced by the kidney, liver, and pancreas. Creatine Monohydrate has been proven to significantly enhance athletic performance in the areas of power, strength, and muscle mass. Most importantly though, it doesnt seem to have any serious side effects. Also, since Creatine is found naturally in the body and in foods, it is likely that it will not be removed from sports. What is Creatine? Creatine is a nutrient that is found in many foods. It is most highly concentrated in lean red meat. A half-pound of red meat contains about two grams of Creatine. Every human body also produces Creatine in very small amounts, though some people produce more than others. Creatine is necessary for proper cell functions and cell reproduction, it is also a primary storage for energy in muscles. How does Creatine work? When somebody is exercising, his or her muscles demand energy. The energy that the muscle gets is called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). As the muscles keep contracting, the ATP is turned into adenosine diphosphate (ADP). ADP causes your muscles to fatigue. Creatine Phosphate helps to convert ADP into ATP when the ATP is gone. In doing this, the athlete has better endurance during his of her workout or event. Creatine producers and users claim it to have many advantages, such as increased endurance, increased overall work potential, increased speed of muscular action, and the potential to further increase muscle mass. Creatine also accelerates protein synthesis. If all this were true, it would be easy to see why athletes are turning to Creatine for an edge on their competition. But are these claims real? Is their scientific proof of what Creatine does? Yes, since Creatine came onto the supplement market it has been tested extensively. Research in human sports science indicates that if you supplement a normal diet with Creatine it will increase the Creatine content in the muscles. Truth Exposed in Body Rituals among the Naciremas Essay If anything creatine requires one to increase their workouts and effort, because the bodys tolerance to exhaustion is higher. Another problem that people may see with creatine is the cost factor. A Creatine supply for a month will average close to forty-five dollars. With the cost of this and other supplements being so high, it seems that the higher class athletes would have an advantage, which causes many critics of creatine(or supplements in general) to deem it unfair. Their case is, athletes of one group should not be permitted to have an advantage over another due to something such as money. In conclusion, Creatine is and can be a very effective supplement for athletes, it doesnt help everyone. Depending on the person and the sport they are participating in creatines effects can be either positive or negative. Though long term research on the effects of creatine have not been confirmed, as of now the only side effects are diarrhea, nausea, and weight gain. These are outweighed by the increased success that one may have in their strength and performance in sports. Creatine has a positive effect on sports as well as its negative effect, therefore each person should weigh the positive and negative, then make the decision for themselves. Fall Back On Fitness As we head into the cooler autumn months, we undoubtedly expect that the upcoming holiday seasons surrounding Thanksgiving, Halloween, and (yes, already) Christmas will lead to our spending more and more time indulging and less and less time keeping ourselves healthy and fit. This doesnt have to be the case. We are not bears, and regardless of what one may think, we do not need to store up extra fat so that we may hibernate for the winter! Awareness of the potential pitfalls of the holiday season can prevent the pounds from sneaking up on you. Treat yourself to an early gift by purchasing a journal in which you can keep a daily record of your eating, exercise and stress behaviours. Keep an eye on your journal entries so that youll notice your less than healthy behaviours and make changes before you get overwhelmed. One suggestion is to weigh yourself once a week during the holiday season. One study of weight loss over a 50-week period found that some study participants gained 500 percent more weight per week during holiday weeks as compared to non-holiday weeks. But the good news: Participants who consistently monitored and recorded their own behaviours were able to lose weight during the holidays. (Published in Health Psychology, July 1998.) The next suggestion is to remember that your body needs movement more than ever during the holiday season. Exercise releases tension, expends the calories of those holiday goodies, increases your energy levels so you can shop til you drop, elevates your mood so you can combat holiday-related depression and be the life of the party, and gives you the gift of time for yourself. Here are some great ways to fit exercise into the busy fall season: ? Exercise first thing in the morning before you begin your busy day. ? Try to plan holiday activities around family and friends, instead of around food. Tell family and friends to bring walking shoes and comfortable clothes to your celebration. Then take a 30-minute walk together. You can do it in shifts so someones always basting the turkey! ? Get into a routine now, before the holidays strike! Those who have previously developed a solid exercise habit will make the time to exercise even when they feel like they are ?too busy? to find the time. Sports and Games
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Friday, March 6, 2020
Estimates of Taxes Paid by Undocumented Immigrants
Estimates of Taxes Paid by Undocumented Immigrants The generally-held belief that undocumented immigrants pay no income tax is generally incorrect. The fact is that many undocumented immigrants find ways to pay both federal income and payroll taxes even though they might not have a Social Security number and even if they are working illegally. According to estimates by the nonpartisan American Immigration Council, households headed by illegal immigrants paid a combined $11.2 billion in state and local taxes during 2010. Based on estimates compiled by the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy, the American Immigration Council reported that the $11.2 billion in taxes paid by illegal immigrants in 2010 included $8.4 billion in sales taxes, $1.6 billion in property taxes and $1.2 billion in state personal income taxes. In spite of the fact that they lack legal status, these immigrants and their family members are adding value to the U.S. economy; not only as taxpayers, but as workers, consumers, and entrepreneurs as well, states the American Immigration Council. Why Would an Undocumented Immigrant Pay Taxes? While it is true that many undocumented immigrants who are illegally paid â€Å"under the table,†for their work do not pay taxes on their income, many others choose to pay income tax hoping that doing so will eventually become American citizens. While evidence for this is largely anecdotal, several attempts at comprehensive immigration reform legislation over the last decade, including S.744- the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, have contained provisions listing attributes such as â€Å"good moral character†and â€Å"paying back taxes†as requirements for obtaining citizenship. Should such an immigration reform bill ever become law, undocumented immigrants could use a provable history of paying taxes as one way to show good faith and moral character. Which States Got the Most? According to the American Immigration Council, California led all states in taxes from households headed by undocumented immigrants, at $2.7 billion in 2010. Other states gleaning significant revenue from taxes paid by illegal immigrants included Texas ($1.6 billion), Florida ($806.8 million), New York ($662.4 million), and Illinois ($499.2 million).Note: While California may have realized $2.7 billion from taxes paid by undocumented immigrants in 2010, a 2004 report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform showed that California spends over $10.5 billion annually on the education, health care and incarceration of its illegal immigrant population. Where Did They Get These Figures? In coming up with its estimate of $11.2 billion in annual taxes paid by undocumented immigrants, the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy say it relied on: 1) an estimate of each states unauthorized population; 2) the average family income for unauthorized immigrants, and 3) state-specific tax payments.Estimates of the undocumented or unauthorized population of each state came from the Pew Hispanic Center and Census 2010. According to the Pew Center, an estimated 11.2 million undocumented immigrants lived in the U.S. during 2010. The average annual income for households headed by an illegal alien was estimated at $36,000, of which about 10% is sent to support family members in countries of origin. The Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) and the American Immigration Council assume undocumented immigrants actually pay these taxes because: Sales tax is automatic, so it is assumed that unauthorized residents would pay sales tax at similar rates to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants with similar income levels. Similar to sales tax, property taxes are hard to avoid, and unauthorized immigrants are assumed to pay the same property taxes as others with the same income level. ITEP assumes that most unauthorized immigrants are renters, and only calculates the taxes paid by renters. Income tax contributions by the unauthorized population are less comparable to other populations because many unauthorized immigrants work off the books and income taxes are not automatically withheld from their paychecks. ITEP conservatively estimates that 50 percent of unauthorized immigrants are paying income taxes. But One Big Disclaimer Looms There is no question that undocumented immigrants do pay some taxes. As the American Immigration Council correctly points out, sales taxes and property taxes as a component of rent are basically unavoidable, no matter a persons citizenship status. However, when the U.S. Census Bureau so emphatically states that illegal immigrants are the most difficult individuals for them to locate and count in the decennial census, any figure as elusive as the total taxes they pay must be considered a very rough estimate. In fact, the American Immigration Council acknowledges this fact by adding the following disclaimer:Of course, it is difficult to know precisely how much these families pay in taxes because the spending and income behavior of these families is not as well documented as is the case for U.S. citizens. But these estimates represent a sensible best approximation of the taxes these families likely pay.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Litigation, Civil Procedure, Discovery of Documents Essay
Litigation, Civil Procedure, Discovery of Documents - Essay Example The client company, over the last decade, has obtained reports and studies which confirm that there is a link between the toxic fumes and the increasing rate of asthma in the local residence. The problem concerns to devise a strategy so these reports and documents may not be not available to the plaintiff. STRATEGY: As evident from the above problem, the main concern of the company is that these reports and documents should not be available to the plaintiff for proving the allegation against the company. This can be done by adopting the strategy of ‘Retention of the Documents’ and by the privilege. The case of Rolah Ann McCabe v British American Tobacco Australia can serve as a guideline to adopt these strategies as the said case demonstrated successfully that through these strategies documents harmful to the company mighty be retained (destroyed) or declared privileged so the plaintiff or the court may not require these documents to exhibit for inspection, to avoid any legal ruling. These policies are discussed below separately to view their implications and results. Let us begin with examining the case of McCabe v. BATAS in brief and the strategies adopted. Rolah Ann McCabe v British American Tobacco Australia: The fifty-one year old plaintiff had lung cancer which she alleged had been caused by smoking the defendant’s cigarettes over approximately four decades. She sued the defendant for damages arising from the defendant’s negligence related to the marketing and sale of their cigarettes. The trial judge ordered that the defence of the defendant tobacco company be struck out and that judgment be entered for the plaintiff. He criticized the defendant for its failure to comply with discovery orders that had been made during the proceeding. BAT was unable to comply with this court order to produce documents because it had over a period of years prior to Mrs. McCabes’s action destroyed large quantities of documents.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Activist Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Activist Letter - Essay Example This moisture brings about the cooling effect on the earth surface. In brief, these mean that chop the trees off and raise the global temperatures. If the global temperature increases then there will be a percentage increase of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Trees regulate the atmospheric carbon dioxide levels by utilizing it during photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide level has consequently accumulated to alarming levels due to tree falling. Large amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere deplete the ozone layer (Prout, Tanya and Daniel 172). The harmful ultraviolet sun rays, therefore, reach the ground thus causing skin cancer. Trees are known to provide a cheap source of energy. Charcoal and firewood is mostly used by people in most part of the world to provide energy. Industries and local homes benefit from this as coal, and petroleum products seem to be expensive compared to tree products. Once one tree is brought down, it should be a must for it to be replaced by planting another tree. Failure to do that, it will result in the decline in biodiversity or it may cause an extinction of many species. Even those using trees as sources of energy will find it hard if trees are cut and not replaced. Down of microbial community are exposed and killed by the adverse weather caused by cutting down of trees, hence bacteria’s helps in recycling nutrients that might pollute water and render it unclean for drinking In conclusion, if the biodiversity of this earth is to be maintained then let the trees are protected and conserved. It is as if every living thing on earth depends on trees for clean air, water and as energy sources just to name a
Monday, January 27, 2020
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Necessity of Defined Boundaries in Nursing
What the Hippocratic Oath is to physicians, the Nightingale Pledge is to nurses. The very essence of this pledge needs to be maintained today as it was intended to be when it was first used on a graduating nursing class in 1893 Detroit (Wikipedia, 2007). Its importance is not to be understated – its meaning not to be devalued. For any nurse in a leadership position, it is necessary to engrain this pledge in one’s mind, rather than just repeat it for the sake of a certificate.With this engrained mentality, the managing nurse will possess the capacity to effectively implement this dogma into the minds and lives of young nurses. The Nightingale Pledge is symbolic of the more general concept of nursing boundary theory. The American Nurses Association (ANA), the American Medical Association (AMA), the state and national governments of the United States, every university with a nursing program, as well as every nurse and physician all have well-founded interests in defining b oundaries that represent ethical and safe behaviors concerning nurses (Holder, 2007).As the world, specifically the US, continues to rely more and more on healthcare provision, it is unavoidable that some loss of integrity concerning the quality of nurses in general will occur. Young nursing students are not always as true-hearted about the profession as was the lovely Miss Nightingale. They may be drawn to the profession for a well known variety of other reasons including handsome salaries and constant, versatile demand for services. This precisely why the senior nursing staff must actively attempt to preserve the integrity of each nurse and thereby the entire profession.The question then becomes how to do it; how to instill the solid and earnest concepts presented in the Nightingale Pledge into the minds and hearts of budding nurses. Education is the key (Wikipedia, 2007). As a leader, a managing nurse may initiate continuing educational services for the nursing staff. Programs th at reinforce the foundations of nursing can be offered in a variety of formats. There are no rules for creative presentation. Five minutes at every staff meeting could be dedicated to boundary discussions, for instance. Staff emails could be sent regularly presenting a boundary â€Å"tip of the day†.Colorful and inviting flyers could be posted on the walls of staff break areas if nothing else. The importance lies in the transference of the knowledge; in the sowing of the seeds of Nightingale. The managing nurse, and every nurse, should strive to uphold personal integrity levels as well as preserving the time-tested, well-earned respect for the world’s most caring profession: Nursing (Holder, 2007). As time goes on, nursing careers will progress in all areas and in all directions. A certain percentage of nurses will graduate for the wrong reasons; this is unavoidable.With the necessary components of preservation activated and consistently engaged, the managing nurse can serve as one vehicle for the transference of this philosophy of care giving. It can be shown to young nurses that the gifts that they give daily to their patients and humankind in general are by far more valuable than the profession’s more obvious perks. Nurses need to develop a sense of family with all other nurses in the world (Holder, 2007). There needs to be common bonds inherit in all nurses. They must have a sense of community.The continuation of efforts to uphold the high moral and ethical standards, such as those presented in the Nightingale Pledge, are integral to the future of nursing worldwide. Bibliography/References Holder, K. & Schenthal, Stephen. (2007, Feb 13). Watch Your Step: Nursing and Professional Boundries. Retrieved Feb 10, 2007, from Nursing Center: http://www. nursingcenter. com/library/JournalArticle. asp? Article_ID=696090 Wikipedia. (2007, Feb 13). Nightingale Pledge. Retrieved Feb 10, 2007, from Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia: http://en. wikipe dia. org/w/index. php? title=Special:Cite&page=Nightingale_Pledge&id=100440708
Friday, January 10, 2020
Would Life in the State of Nature Be Intolerable as Hobbes?
Would life in the State of Nature be intolerable as Hobbes and Locke believe? The state of nature is described as a primitive state untouched by civilization; it is the condition before the rule of law and is therefore a synonym of Anarchy. Anarchy means without government, anarchist thought is the conviction that existing forms of government are productive of wars, internal violence, repression and misery. Hobbes political philosophy considers what the life of man would be like without the state; of which is described as ‘brutish, short and nasty. ’ This view strongly contrasts with the utopian elements in anarchist thought.The Leviathan, which is an archetypal statement of the need for strong government equates anarchy with violence and disorder. The complexity of political ideas generated by both philosophies can be examined and contrasted against one another; to generate an opposite consistent anarchist inversion of Hobbism thought that justifies life in a state of n ature that is not insufferable. Hobbes explores the logic of a situation in which human nature predisposes men to act in certain ways, and there is no superior power to stop them from warring with each other (Sorrel, 1996).Therefore in the state of nature there is no economic prosperity, as this depends on security and co-operation, no scientific knowledge ‘ no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all continual fear and danger of violent death’( Leviathan 82) This is an intense and extreme depiction of what life would be like with no government at all. Superimposed on this are images of a partial state of nature resulting from the breakdown of central government, or civil war, the realistic dangers Hobbes is trying to avert ( Gauthier, 1969)Hobbes abstract justification for government rests on the legalistic fiction of the social contract. The contract is created between two individuals motivated to set up a government because of the miseries they endure in the state of nature of which there is no stable social organisation (Sorrel, 1986). Hobbes rationalises that individuals driven by fear and in search of peace would all come together to draw up a peace treaty, and simultaneously set up a sovereign in order to ensure that the promise is attained. Hobbes shows that it is in the interest of the people to live under a strong overnment, and therefore one should act in a way as to maintain the existing government (Sorrel, 1986). Moral obligation and its involvement in legal practice is something that is used to conclude that government is necessary, useful and has legitimate authority. In comparison, the anarchist William Godwin replied to the notion of an original contract by constructing a rational anarchist philosophy. He pertained that contracts were not between the fictitious entity the ‘people’ and the government, but between specific individuals (Woodcock, 1977).Godwin’s society would not be built In an assum ed past as Hobbes was, but on series of mutually and constantly renewed compacts between freely contracting individuals, permanent contracts such as marriage were seen as an infringement of freedom: this theory was based on the principle of justice in anarchist thought ( Nozick, 2006) The impact of Hobbes theory is based on the evocation of violence, fears and chaos which ensues without the role of the government to enforce law.If theses notions are ‘reversed, it can be argued that men are by nature, when uncorrupted by the perverting influence of the government and evil societies, peace loving and activated by spontaneous sympathy towards others’ ( Nozick, 2006) Therefore the logic of the situation is reversed; Government now ceases to be the protector of the individual and a guarantor of their lives and property. Instead ‘the state is seen as a chief threat to liberty, security and prosperity of the individual, whom it circumscribes with laws and regulationsâ₠¬â„¢ ( Rotberg, 2004) Hobbes did concede that governments might harm their subjects’ (Gauthier, 1969) but retained that this harm would ensue a lot less damage compared to the horror inflicted upon man in a state of war and calamity as in an anarchist society. Anarchists like Godwin and Tolstoy believed that governments are responsible for the greatest crimes, and promote devastating wars between states ( Ferrel, 2001). It is of course an over simplification that to say that anarchists believe men are always naturally coercive and peaceable, just as it is misleading to suggest that Hobbes thought all men were competitive and vainglorious .The anarchists conclude that government is a great and unnecessary evil, and that anarchy in the literal sense of no government need not mean anarchy in the popular sense of violence and disorder (Bain, 1967) . ‘The most basic element common to both theoretical frameworks is the assumption that social analysis begins with the individua l, his personal desires and wishes’ (Ferrel, 2001) rather than with the society as a whole; political conclusions are based on an individualist position. Hobbes defines freedom as the absence of external constraints on the individual.The need for a strong government to prevent civil war can be replaced with the government’s priority to promote a natural harmony of interests. ‘The restrictive role of the state is reduced to a minimum, and the logical consequence is a laissez faire liberalism in which there is a belief in the role of the state in maintaining internal peace, and providing defence against external enemies’ (Woodcock, 1977). If this brand of liberalism is taken to its logical extreme what results, is a kind of laissez faire anarchism postulating a natural harmony of interests in all spheres of social life. Woodcock, 1977) This is a conception of individual freedom that can be attained in a state of nature that is accepted by Hobbes. Although he does not believe in overriding the rights of the government, he espouses radical egalitarianism ( Gauthier,1969) . The equality of all men is a notion that is pertained in order to deny the nobility of the privileged, and hence disruptive status within the realm; all men are equally obliged to obey the sovereign ( Sorrel, 1996) The basic sense of equality against all men in the state of nature is necessary if all men are to live under a sovereign.He refutes the idea that some sections of humanity are naturally superior to others, the aristocracy are not superior by nature, but by social convention; women are not inferior by nature but by family convention. ( Sorrel, 1986) .In Godwin’s theory of justice it is understood that all men and women are morally equal, therefore justice demands they should be socially and economically equal. Therefore in a state of nature of which all men are equal, there would be no need for any civil war, as no man is above another nor has the auth ority to claim war against any fellow man (Woodcock, 1977)Hobbes psychological outlook on the nature of man is similar to an anarchist libertarian approach. The pleasures of life, especially sex, are viewed as passionate desire of man which should not be denied (Bain, 1967). There is no hierarchy of higher and lower passions, man is perceived as a machine motivated by a succession of desires: this view is subversive of social taboos and social morality (Gauthier, 1969). A belief in the fulfilment of mans natural desires can be turned into a positive plea to encourage individuals to satisfy their desires and find happiness (Ferrel, 2001).This could be achieved in a state of nature governed by anarchist thought, it is a position that would serve man well and allow them personal freedom against the walls of repression produced under the laws of government. Another direct assessment can be proposed regarding the outlook of law between the two contrasting philosophies. For Hobbes the law is defined as the will and authority of the sovereign, and is not due to the law of nature or the principles of natural justice.If the legitimacy of the sovereign’s authority is denied then so is the legitimacy of the law (Rotberg, 2004) . If one believes in independent standards of justice and morality; as do anarchists, existing laws can be judged as morally unjust. Moreover if government in itself is an evil then the laws propagated by the governments are not only coercive restrictions on individual liberty, but an intolerable form of coercion (Nozick, 2006) In conclusion, life in the state of nature would not be an unbearable way to live.There is a possibility that man may live harmoniously without the need of government to restrain them; as they are able to direct their passions and desires using a sense of rationality. The use of government has an inverse effect on society which causes corruption and creates wars with the use of individual power and authority. Hobbes s eems to be describing a society of beasts in anarchy after the disturbing influences of the state has been removed, after which people are unaware of the natural laws of equality of which they should live by. References Woodcock, George, (1977) The Anarchist Reader, chpt7 †¢ Ferrel, Jeff, (2001) Tearing Down The Streets; Adventures in Urban Anarchy, chpt 5, 2, 1 †¢ Nozick, Robert, ( 2006) Anarchy State and Utopia, chpt 2, 5 †¢ Rotberg, Robert, ( 2004) When States Fail; Causes and Consequences, chpt 4 †¢ Bain, William, ( 1967) Between Anarchy and Society chpt 1, 2, 3 †¢ Gauthier, David, ( 1969) The Logic of Leviathan, chpt 1, 2, 5 †¢ Sorrel, Tom, ( 1986) The Arguments Of Philosophies, chpt 8, 11 †¢ Sorrel, Tom ( 1996) Cambridge Companion to Hobbes, chpt 9 chpt = Chapter
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Evaluation And Critical Analysis Of A 25 Minute...
The following is an evaluation and critical analysis of a 25 minute counselling session, titled Travel broadens the mind: An interview with ‘Jane’ on the 30/04/2016. A Rogerian style of counselling was used as this involves congruence or genuineness, empathy and unconditional positive regard (Geldard Geldard, 2012) an analysis of the interview in respect to these aspects is discussed .This structure of the interview was influenced by a review of different counselling microskills and was loosely based on the Counselling Interview Rating Form (CIRF) developed by (Russel-Chapine Shermin, 2000) which breaks a counselling session into the 5 phases of: opening, exploration, the action phase, problem solving and Closing. A partnership model was used in the interview and is evaluated using the characteristics of partnership defined by Davis, (2002). As Barnes and Rowe (2013) define partnership as a strengthening and enabling process the interview is also analysed for these ch aracteristics The interview took place at my home at a mutually convenient time, so we were more comfortable we sat facing slightly offset to each other with just the corner of the table between us as we each had a cup of tea. I would consider offering a client something to drink in the future it seemed to validate just sitting and talking. An ideal set up would have been two comfortable single chairs facing each other (not directly face on) as suggested by Geldard and Geldard (2012) to promote comfort andShow MoreRelatedHigh Noon at Alpha Mill Essay1682 Words  | 7 PagesItem 3: Skill Development Activity (Group) Objective(s): This addresses Subject Learning Objectives 1 Weighting: 30% Assessment Item 1: Oral Presentation (Individual): 20% Each student is required to individually give a speech of 10 minutes duration during the semester at a date and time to be arranged in Weeks 1 and 2. The speech can be on any topic you choose. You must identify the purpose of the speech utilizing the Competing Values Approach (eg creating commitment, cohesion; improvingRead MoreEssay on Profession Issues in Counselling Person Centred12506 Words  | 51 Pages1. Understand what is meant by counselling. 1.1 Define what is meant by the term counselling. 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