Monday, September 30, 2019
Palliative and Hospice for End of Life Care Essay
The notion of death and the process of dying are often experienced as tragedies, especially in the western culture. Thus, the medical model of care performed in our western culture includes life-saving measures and curative treatments. However, there may be a time in a person’s life when a cure may no longer be an option. That is the time when palliative or hospice care can step in to afford the patient and the family the opportunity to maximize the remaining time spent together. This paper will compare and contrast palliative care with the hospice model. In addition, end-of-life care related to physical well-being, psychological well-being, social well-being, and spiritual well-being will be addressed based on my experience as a student nurse with Hospice of San Joaquin. Finally, the views of end-of-life care will be discussed as it relates to the hospice model. Palliative care and hospice care share a common thread. They are both models of care that take a holistic and individualized approach to anticipate and alleviate the symptoms and suffering that arise from chronic and terminal illnesses (Witt Sherman, D. , & Cheon, J. , 2012). They both encompass the patient and family as the center of care and provide comprehensive assessments and comfort measures to patients with terminal illnesses. The care continues past the death of the patient and can continue into the bereavement period for family. Hospice will continue to support the bereaved family up to one year past the death of the patient (Hospice of San Joaquin, 2010). Both models utilize an interdisciplinary approach to care with team members that include physicians, nurses, social workers, spiritual members, massage therapists, and home health aids and others. Palliative care can be utilized during any time during the course of an illness and disease process. The cost of cure can be extensive and both palliative and hospice care limit medical interventions that can significantly increase healthcare costs. Data substantiating improved quality of life for the patient and the families as well as improved coordination of care have been identified as valuable outcomes in both palliative and hospice care (Hospice of San Joaquin, 2010). Both models allow for services to be provided in the home, in extended care facilities, hospitals, and community home-based programs and outpatient clinics (Witt Sherman, D. , & Cheon, J. , 2012). The differences between the programs are centered on the time the care is available. Palliative care is available during any point of the illness from time of diagnosis through the bereavement period for families. In addition, palliative care may be offered while life-prolonging treatments are being administered (Witt Sherman, D. & Cheon, J. , 2012). Hospice care is available during the end of life and typically, but not always, takes place the last six months of the patient’s life. If the dying process exceeds six months, hospice care can be suspended and restarted when the patient’s life expectancy falls below six months (Hospice of San Joaquin, 2010). Hospice care may be offered in all settings previously mentioned, as well as hospice units and residential hospices (Witt Sherman, D. , & Cheon, J. , 2012).
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Botulism Is A Rare Gastrointestinal Infection Biology Essay
Botulism is a rare GI infection, it is a serious status caused by toxins from bacteriums called Clostridium Botulinum. Clostridium Botulinum are a species of anaerobiotic, Gram-positive, rod shaped bacteriums in the household Clostridiaceae that produces proteins with features neurotoxicity. The botulinus toxin is a powerful neurolysin that impairs nerve map, including those of the stop, taking to palsy. It is the etiologic agent of botulism in worlds, wild poultry, Equus caballuss and cowss. There are seven subtypes of these bacteriums, each bring forthing a different Botulinum Toxin. The being and its spores are widely distributed in nature. They can be found in dirt, deposits of watercourses and lakes, and in the enteric piece of lands of fish and mammals. Clostridium botulinus interferes with the presynaptic release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter found at neuromuscular junctions, autonomic ganglia, parasympathetic effecter junctions, and at many other sites in the CNS. Acetylcholine enables musculus contraction hence without it musculuss will non contract. The stop enables take a breathing hence without acetylcholine the infected animate being will decease of respiratory failure and asphyxia. Clinical characteristics include abdominal hurting, emesis, acute palsy, blurred vision, and double vision. There are eight types of botulism. They are: A, B, CI ± , CI? , D, E, F, and G. Out of the eight merely three of them are associated with human disease. They are A, B, E and F. A, and B are foodborne related potent strains. It was foremost recorded in Europe in 1735 and it was suspected of being associated with a German sausage, hence being named after the Latin word for sausage, â€Å" botulus †. Several states produced botulism toxins in the WWII as a possible bacteriological arm. They were said to hold trial sprayed over a subdivision of Canadian wilderness killing all animate beings within 6 hours but they were ne'er used in combat. The bacterium itself is non toxic when ingested and are normally consumed on fruits, veggies and seafood. The German doctor and poet Justinus Kerner foremost developed the thought of a possible curative usage of botulinus toxin. In 1870, another German doctor, Muller, coined the name botulism. In 1895, Professor Emile Van Ermengem, of Belgium, was the first to insulate the bacteria. In 1928, Dr Herman Sommer, at the University of California, was the first to insulate in purified signifier the toxin type A ( BoNT-A ) as a stable acid precipitate. Dr Edward J Schan tz succeeded in sublimating BoNT-A in crystalline form-cultured C blotulinum and isolated the toxin in 1946. In the 1950 ‘s, Dr Burgen ‘s ASV group discovered that blotulinum toxins blocks neuromuscular transmittal in 1949. Dr Vermon Brooks discovered that when BoNT-A is injected into a overactive musculus, it blocks the release of acetycholine from motor nervus terminations. Dr Alan B Scott, of Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute used BoNT-A in monkey experiments in 1973, and in 1980 he used if for the first clip in worlds to handle squint. The incubation period of botulism is 12-80 hours. It can be obtained through inspiration of toxin, ingestion of toxin or C botulinus spores, and taint of a tissue with toxin or C botulinus spores. Signs and symptoms have six presentations. The central marks include afebrile ( holding no febrility ) ; symmetrical neurological manisfestations ; normal mental position, though may look lethargic and have trouble with communicating ; normal to decelerate bosom rate without presence of hypotension ; and normal centripetal nervus map, other than vision. The early presentations include: cranial abnormalcies, weariness and dizziness, dual and bleary vision, and trouble get downing nutrient. The ulterior presentation include ; falling palsy, trouble traveling eyes and mild pupillary dilation, lingua failing, lessening joke physiological reaction, indistinct address, symmetrical falling progressive muscular failing particularly on weaponries and legs, utmost failing on postural cervix musculuss and occasional oral cavity external respiration, and irregularity. Ingestional presentation include: dry oral cavity and dysarthria, and sickness and emesis. Inhalational presentation include: mucous secretion in pharynx, and serous nasal discharge, salivation. Last the infant presentation include: inability to suck and get down, irregularity, weakened voice and floppy cervix. There are five chief sorts of botulism. They are foodborne botulism, wound botulism, infant botulism, adult enteric toxemia of pregnancy botulism, and iatrogenic botulism. Even though botulism bacteriums are common in nature, they can be killed by O. Thereof, the bacteriums signifier spores that protect them from the O. Once on an oxygen-free environment the spores activate. The most common manner to acquire botulism is from improperly canned nutrient. When the can is sealed it creates an oxygen-free environment suitable for the bacterium. If heated decently the spores dies but if non heated decently, the spores activate and the can is filled with toxin, botulismotoxin. Since botulismotoxin is a protein it can be denatured by heat, nevertheless canned nutrient is largely eaten cold botulism occurs. Affected persons have trouble swallowing or speech production, dry oral cavity, facial failing on both sides of the face, blurred or dual vision, saging palpebras, problem external respira tion, sickness, purging and abdominal spasms, and palsy. Babies usually obtain botulism from honey in a assortment of ways. When roll uping nectar from flowers, bees collect botulism spores and blend them into the honey. Most grownups can eat these spores without trouble since the bacteriums within the organic structure robust the immune system which eliminates the spores. Since babies still do non hold these bacterial defense mechanisms the spores come to life when they reach the intestine oxygen-free environment. While inside of the babe they produce toxin. This typically occurs between the ages of 2 and 6 months. Complications arise usually within 18 to 36 hours after the toxin enters the babe ‘s organic structure. Signs and symptoms include: irregularity, floppy motions due to muscle failing and problem commanding caput, weak call, crossness, salivating, saging palpebras, fatigue, trouble suction or eating, and palsy. Wound botulism is the consequence of lesions contaminated with C botulinus spores. It develops traumatic hurt that involves soil taint among injection drug users ( those who use black-tar diacetylmorphine ) and after a cesarean bringing. The lesion may look benign. The involved tissues which are traumatized and devitalized provide a perfect anaerobiotic medium for the C botulinus spores to shoot into vegetive beings and produce neurolysins. The symptoms normally appear 4 to 18 hours after an hurt occurs and are similar to food-borne botulism although GI symptoms may be absent. They include: trouble get downing or speech production, facial failing on both sides of the face, blurred or dual vision, saging palpebras, problem external respiration, and palsy. Adult enteric toxemia of pregnancy ( big enteric colonisation ) botulism is a really rare sort of botulism that occurs among grownups by the same path as infant botulism. The exact prevalence of AITB is unknown. To day of the month, about 20 instances have been reported. The disease affects grownups and older kids. Features include unknown beginning of toxin, presence of toxin in stool, and unnatural GI pathology ( e.g. , Billroth surgery, Crohn ‘s disease, and peptic ulcer disease ) or antimicrobic drug usage. Last, iatrogenic botulism can happen from inadvertent overdose of botulinus toxin. It has been noted really seldom after medical usage or abuse of the botulinus toxin. Injectable toxins are used to handle a scope of spastic and autonomic muscular upsets. These toxins are purified and extremely diluted. Toxin type A ( Botox ) is used in highly infinitesimal doses for the intervention of facial furrows and blepharospasm ( an unnatural contraction or vellication of the palpebra ) , cervical dystonia squint ( an chronic painful neurological upset characterized by loss of control over one or more parts of the organic structure ) , glabellar lines ( are the perpendicular lines on the human face and are seeable when a individual scowl ) , and primary alar hyperidrosis ( inordinate perspiration ) . Toxin type B ( Myobloc, Neurobloc ) is used to handle cervical dystonia. The diagnosing of this infection can be slippery because symptoms mimic those presented by other diseases. Sepsis ( whole organic structure redness ) is the most common initial diagnosing for infant botulism. Lab trials are used for unequivocal diagnosing. Analysis of blood, stool or puke for grounds of the toxin may assist in the verification of the infection. Treatment includes the usage of drugs, respiratory support, surgery, and stomachic lavage. Adults with botulism are treated with an antitoxin. The antitoxin is effectual against toxins types A, B and E and inactivates merely the toxin that is unattached to steel terminations. For babies, BIG ( botulism immune globulin ) is available neutralizing A, B, C, D, and E before they can even adhere to nervousnesss. Infant intervention normally involves respiratory support and tubing eating for hebdomads even months. Physical therapy is initiated one time the babe can take a breath unaided. A inhalator is frequently required to assist grownup patients breathe, and a tracheotomy may besides be necessary. Surgery may be necessary to clean an septic lesion and take the beginning of the bacteriums. Antimicrobial therapy may be necessary. In stomachic lavage, psychotherapeutic agents or clysters are used. Vaccines against botulism do non be nevertheless scientist have successfully vaccinated mice and ducks against type C and D, which may assist in the creative activity for human inoculation. The toxin can non be seen, smelled or tasted so the wisest thing to make is to fling any nutrient that seems spoiled without savoring it.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Product Launch Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Product Launch Plan - Essay Example Nonetheless, the target consumers are middle class groups, who are highly involved in the media-saturated world attributable to things like advertisements, internet and mobile phone. Company SWOTT analysis Strengths The company is located in Italy, which is a company that is associated with a tradition of pioneering production of wine. In fact, this is a tradition that would enable the company to have a good reputation and the customers will have confidence in their products (Marini & Tepponen, 2012). The company will be situated in company that has favorable climate conditions, given that Italy is countries that cover an area attributed to different types of climatic zones; in this case, this will provide ideal location for increased productivity of grapes used for making wine. In 2011, trends of wine sales were attributed to establishment of modern concept, which are contrasting with the France conservative culture (Marini & Tepponen, 2012). In fact, France has a market of wine tha t is highly competitive due to introduction of flavored wines. Weaknesses Structures of Italian vineyards lack a specific strategy given that it is highly concentrated with small wineries that are owned by families and this have a negative impact on production (Marini & Tepponen, 2012). The company is likely to face challenges due to unfamiliarity with French culture and their customs; in fact, this may have a negative impact on the effort to venture into the market (Marini & Tepponen, 2012). Opportunities In France, there are potential customers, who have developed tastes and preferences for wine; in fact, they are able to rank these products based on value over volume leading to willingness to pay high prices per unit price (Marini & Tepponen, 2012). There are opportunities derived through wine intelligence in France market, whereby there are models being developed to facilitate market growth and ascendancy of wine; thus, the consumers will develop ways of distinguishing between v arious categories of wine (Marini & Tepponen, 2012). On the other hand, the company can focus on establishing a single brand with consistency in quality, taste and it will be associated with Italy. Threats France market has been surpassed by other markets such as Australia and Britain; thereby a decision to venture this market poses a threat of reduced profitability compared to other markets (Marini & Tepponen, 2012). There are other threats emanating from a decrease in the number of wine drinkers; in fact, this is a tradition has been introduced in the market, despite high per capita among consumers in the market. The competition There are increased chances that Italy will lose their position of being leaders in the market of wines due to stiff competition from other countries such as Australia, America, Chile and South Africa. However, Italy has attained a competitive advantage based on marketing strategies, whereby they promote products through captivating images (Fernandez-Cruz, 2003). Nonetheless, this competition has led to a decrease sales of wine in Italy; in fact, analysis in 2010 indicates that the country lost to their leading position to South Africa, which attained twenty percent market share. Therefore, this
Friday, September 27, 2019
Euthanasia Or Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Euthanasia Or Abortion - Essay Example The older concept was never differentiated from suicide and both activities were seen as similar in historic times and the definition assigned to the word euthanasia was very different from current world’s definition. In the Greek period, the act of euthanasia was recognized a means of death which was happy and satisfactory in nature and was hardly ever used and it was not used as a means of assisted suicide or mercy killing as it is use today. The meaning of the concept of euthanasia has experienced various changes in English language. In different periods, in different cultures, the definition of the word has altered from a happy means of death to murder which is not acceptable by the society or the law. Those individuals who are in favor of euthanasia state that not all societies in the past had a negative opinion on euthanasia and the western culture even favored it. For example the Eskimos used to conduct activities almost similar to euthanasia when an individual suffered from physical illnesses and became dependant on others, this especially used to take place while the resources became short or scarce (Atwood-Gailey 24). But these practices were only operated after enough care was given to the patient and there was no way to cure the patient. Even during the older period, the elders or those who were recognized as seniors used to give up their own lives in activities such as euthanasia for the betterment and the wellbeing of their children and upcoming generations. Pros and Cons The main advantage of euthanasia is that this activity can save the immense suffering that a patient goes through while he/she is on death bed and suffering from a disease that is incurable and very painful. Secondly it is the right of every individual to decide what is right or wrong for him/her and they have equal liberty to decide about their health, even the US constitution states that all individuals are free. Patients suffering from incurable disease are mostly those who loose the ability to even conduct their basic tasks such as washing themselves and taking care of themselves and they become dependant on others (McDougall 200). Due to these patients who want to die as independent individual and who give great importance to their dignity should be allowed to indulge in euthanasia. A huge amount of money is spend in taking care and hospitalization of a terminally ill patient, in certain cases individuals have ended up selling their own estates and what ever they own to cure themselves but certain illnesses are incurable and death is the destiny. In such cases euthanasia will help the individual in saving his treasure and passing it on to the upcoming generations so they can live a better life. Ample amount of the time of the physicians and nurses is wasted on terminally ill patient as they require higher degree of care, this time can be used to save and cure those patients who have higher probability of being cured. When individuals are termina lly ill, they start loosing their organs one by one, if these organs can be saved through euthanasia, some other patients who still have higher probability of living can benefit from these organs. Families are even adversely impacted when their loved ones are near to death and are suffering from
Thursday, September 26, 2019
April 9th Whiteness Reading + Questions Coursework
April 9th Whiteness Reading + Questions - Coursework Example The selection of areas to live, friends to associate with and the feeling of discrimination by the affirmative action indicates the power of racism in the society. 1. There are some issues that are not visible or conceivable to the author but could be used to identify the challenges in society. One of the most important approach as depicted by the author is the power of choice. Despite the existence of affirmative action, personal choices still indicates the influence of race in choice of friends, possession, employment area and the living area. The situation is evident by the number of areas occupied by whites or blacks as compared to the hybrid and cosmopolitan areas. My personal choices clearly indicated the power of race unconsciously creating a feeling of discomfort when reading the article because it is the truth. 2. Before reading the article, I had not evaluated several issues that may be racism. The key issues that the article address is the role of personal choices in facilitating racism. This view has not been taken by the majority because we tend to look at people’s actions instead of our personal choices, which indicates the highest degree of racism. 3. The major area of concern after reading the article is on how personal choices can be changed to reduce the showing of racist behaviour. The challenge is on personal evaluation which may not reflect the true nature or impact of racism because it does not employ the standard evaluation actions. The main question is; â€Å"what can one do to change his personal choices to reflect acceptance of the races in the society? This is the real dilemma that creates serious confusion between affinity to the race and acceptance of the dynamic society. Favourite quote is â€Å"Racists for innocence†(Pierce 53). The article addresses the issue of personal choice and the power of perception. The same situation is depicted in the movie Crash released in
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Budget Control Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Budget Control Methodology - Essay Example Control Centers To build a budgetary control hub together with your business clusters. Usually, responsibility centers are classified into four; investment, revenue, profits and expense. Conventionally, these are characterized by income and cash flow account. Together, these statements have ordinary interconnections, which can be scrutinized with time to achieve equilibrium. The working capital formula derived from the value of current assets minus current liabilities qualifies as a general assessment tool for investors while judging company's basic operational competence. Capital values affixed to any inventory, also known as current assets or money owed to the firm by clients, which is the current liabilities, may not be utilized to settle up a firm’s financial liability. When the flow of working capital is delayed between different cycles, then inefficiency is said to have occurred (Brownell 1985). Forecasting Forecasting is the most decisive element in a budgetary techniqu e. This entails the capacity to chart out a well planned strategy for future prospects. Simply, forecasting is deliberating on potential aspect that may arise in coming days. Every manager is obliged to organize specific drafts, showing objectives and capital requirements. These needs should be assessed against the larger outlook to guarantee compatibility with business standards. A lot of emphasis should be directed towards setting up a responsive budget, which presents proportions of general accounts for relevant sectors. Budgeting should be considered as a device in addition to a control measure (Little et al. 2002). 2. Costing methodologies: While examining costing methods, several methods may be applied to establish expenditure proportionate to administrative obligations. These applications may be classified as follows: Absorption costing: this denotes the guarantee of expenses after they are incurred according to the structure - both fixed and unpredictable costs are apportion ed to cost units while the sum total of overheads is taken up by real activity levels. Absorption costing is defined as total costing owing to the fact that total costs are final amounts assigned to costs. This is also submitted as a standard or time based costing. Still, due to the reality that costs are certified after they have been acquired, and large time-gaps subsist from the point of expenditure to the time of cost citation, it is evident that it does not mitigate cost control. Marginal costing: this system illustrates the theory whereby variable expenses are levied to expenditure units, whereas fixed costs associated with the related duration is settled up wholly versus the input in the given timeframe. The contribution noted marks the variation between sales and the subsidiary cost of sale. Marginal costing can be described as a straight or variable costing. The technique is a vital tool to the management while deliberating on crucial guidelines, which include pricing, product preference and final choice. Standard costing: this strategy employs standard for costs and returns with a view to management through a variance investigation. Values are set up according to each cost factor on a systematic basis for nonstop future prospects, while actual expenses are weighed up against the same standards. Discrepancies accrued from standards are investigated; logical causes are formed and remedial measures put in place to deter a repeat of wasteful business practices. Differential costing: the technique is mainly concerned with
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Disorders Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Disorders - Research Paper Example ebilitating effects rather than for those which are defined through sociological structures that the effects provide a disruption rather than a complete barrier to leading a high quality life. The unfortunate fact about autism at this time is that there is no definitive cause for the condition. With no cause, there is no true medical treatment through pharmaceuticals. There are a series of mainstream theories on the causes of autism that are being researched in order to help to get closer to a cure or prevention of the condition. One of the theories revolves around the introduction of toxic chemicals into the system of the mother while the child is within her womb. The types of chemicals that could be responsible could be as mundane as those found in cleaning products or as seemingly benign as those found in toys, food, or water through heavy metals. These effects could be developed in the womb, or this is some suggestion that they are developed right after birth during the first year.1 There have not been any definitive answers, however, as to whether environmental chemicals conclusively cause autism. Another possible cause of the condition might be a genetic issue. There are many genetic disorders that can be detected through testing, but thus far a genetic connection between children with autistic traits has not been found. While there is no foundation as yet for this theory, the concept that genetics is the primary cause of autism is still considered the most likely causal candidate.2 Other possible causes include mitochondrial problems, prenatal and birth factors, neurological structure anomalies, autoimmune issues, or a neurobiological disorder. One of the biggest problems with the study of autism is that for most of history it was considered a psychiatric problem and was treated as a mental disorder rather than a biological condition. Therefore, the research is relatively new and has not reached its zenith of discovery. The condition was first considered
Monday, September 23, 2019
Coping Strategies for Drought in Developing Countries Essay
Coping Strategies for Drought in Developing Countries - Essay Example These strategies include;- According to Bhattacharyya, (2004, p.5), market-assisted selection has been successfully used in terms of agriculture for several years. By involvingselection of a trait that measured with accuracy to establish a linkage with certain specific molecular markers and choosing the kind of specific markers required for use in genotyping, the perfect type of crop is produced. Studies have shown that timing of drought has a significant effect on the yield and rain fed conditions in semi-arid tropic areas. Moreover, Bhattacharyya, (2004, p.5) noted that, division of drought in regard to time (flowering, pre-flowering and terminal drought), including its effects on the yield of components, highlights complexity of breeding in crops that are crop resistance. Plant technology has a good track-record of providing farmers with benefits in developing countries. In reference to Leary (2008, p.154), even though most current genetically modified crops are developed by private in most industrialized countries, 90% of the farmers who use them are actually in the developing countries.Genetically modified crops have increased tolerance to abiotic strains, where genes that are responsible for the osmotic adjustment have been successfully introduced to sorghum especially in India. Similar work has also been initiated on green gram and black gram (Merriman (1993, p.106).the process of genetic mutation is like in the following diagram: Another option of introducing drought tolerance is the use of tissue culture and wide crossing methods, for example cross roughing the tolerant pearl millet crop with another high yielding species of a cereal crop with an aim of creating new drought tolerant and high-yielding hybrid species.According to studies conducted by (Jamal2007, p.24), there has been a major success in a similar strategy that involves creating a new rye/wheat hybrid species of triticale.Mutation breeding is
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Introduction and conclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Introduction and conclusion - Essay Example The school is an important place in the life of every student. It is their second home and significant source of knowledge and venue for mastering skills. In this regard, the environment of the school must encourage students to have the zeal for education so as to raise their academic performance. Secondarily, schools are where students spend most of their time each day. Therefore, the facilities of schools should offer a variety of ways to appeal to the learners and leave among them a good impression. The classroom is an important environment where students are exposed to aspects of different fields ranging from basic education to professionalism. Recent research has proven the relationship between performance and classroom facilities. Normally, classroom facilities can either engage or deter students from learning, thus affecting student attendance and academic performance. Tailoring classroom facilities to the developmental needs of students can improve the level of student performance in the classroom. Both the physical and social aspects of classrooms should be considered in order to impact positively on students’ academic performance and social adjustment (Syakima et al., 2011). The basic requirements of a classroom are safety and cleanliness to foster good health and safety. Classrooms should be free from falling objects, well-lighted and well-ventilated. In a report by the U.S. Accounting Office (cited in Schneider, 2002), it was noted that 15,000 schools suffered from poor IAQ, thus affecting health of more than eight million children. The statistics show that a lot of efforts are yet to be done to ensure the safety of school classrooms. However, ventilation and sanitation are only basic requirements in every classroom. The future classroom should have more than the basics. It should respond to the needs of future students. To do so, schools should carefully determine and respond to the needs of students. Some of these
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Pursuing Undergraduate Studies Essay Example for Free
Pursuing Undergraduate Studies Essay I lived in South Korea for 14 years with a family and friends who are always there to comfort me through thick and thin. After finishing my eighth grade my parents decided to send me in the United States of America to study.  They believed that by doing so, it will make me a stronger person both academically and socially.  At the start, it was very tough for me because of the language barrier.  My difficulties in using the English language cause a tremendous social gap with the American society.  In the long run I was able to overcome those obstacles in my life. I have found myself enjoying my stay in the USA with new friends and a better life ahead with more open doors and opportunities. One of these doors was when I attended a JP Art–Studio during the first year which aroused my interest in art and I accepted those changes with open arms. The only barrier of this desire is my parents, whom I don’t want to disappoint aside that they are the one supporting my study here in USA. They want me to become a doctor, but my heart and soul cried out for me to become an artist. Until one day, my life changed dramatically. Two years ago when I visited Maryland in one of the bookstore, I saw an illustration book by Obata-Dakesi. My eyes widened, my ears numbed, my body froze and my mind got sucked as I read the illustration book of Obata-Dakisi. I heard a lot of stories of people who became an animators and illustrators after reading an illustration book. It was the turning point in my life. I cannot imagine that this kind of art has the great power to make people pick up their pen to graphically explore their world and express their emotions, as what happened to me. A strong marvelous feeling inspired me to pursue my dream of becoming an artist. It was truly amazing how I was able to share my thoughts and feelings by just looking at other’s drawings. It brings out the very true person as I am. Day after day drawing has become more significant in my life. I am fascinated with the structures of an illustration so much that it motivates and inspired me to determine strongly the purpose of my life. I started looking at objects more closely and experimenting to it so as to build up further my drawing skills. I become more attentive and sensitive to my surroundings. Now, I have my own definition of â€Å"art†and this makes me more comfortable following my dreams. My goal is not becoming what everyone else wishes me to be, but to follow the desire of my heart, this burning feeling that makes me move every now and then. I cannot imagine life without art. It becomes my best friend, my best life-teacher. It will make me a better unique person with purpose and direction in life. Arts what matters to me know. Throughout my life, I have found myself another fulfilling experience that makes me the happiest person. My ultimate goal now is to be admitted in one of the best school, the School of Visual Arts for computer art program in Maryland Institute College of Art. Through enrolling in this prestigious institution it will be able to help me fulfill my dream in becoming an ultimate artist. I know that I will learn many techniques, styles and many more from your institution and this will all help me to prepare in my future careers in arts.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Importance Of Liquidity For Commercial Banks Finance Essay
The Importance Of Liquidity For Commercial Banks Finance Essay 1.Explain the importance of liquidity for commercial banks and identify the main sources of liquidity in a typical commercial banks balance sheet. 3 2.Outline the reasons why, as a matter of monetary policy, central banks control liquidity in the banking system. 4 3.Describe briefly the method(s) used by central banks to control liquidity in the banking system. 5 References 6 Explain the importance of liquidity for commercial banks and identify the main sources of liquidity in a typical commercial banks balance sheet. Banks are considered to be as safe deposit for customers associated with them for both short and long term basis. It has increased liability over banks to make sure that they are able to fulfill all the demands of the customers. Also the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act has reduced the dependency that commercial banks used to possess over Federal Reserves to make sure that their needs are sufficed in case some emergency arrives. Thus to maintain certain level of stake in the company, it is mandatory for commercial banks to retain appropriate liquidity ratios such that any ambiguous situation could be avoided. If any disturbance is encountered in these ratios, there is a problem of funding that comes into picture and hampers banks credibility among its stakeholders. Liquidity control is also necessary for proper structuring of the bank along with looking after all the complexities related to the size and related measures. Thus commercial banks adopt controlling me asures for liquidity risk in a highly comprehensive fashion. (Liquidity) Some of the sources of liquidity associated with commercial banks are, Deposits in other banks on demand basis Marketable debt securities over a qualitative basis Commitment made with other banks over provision of credit As liquidity is a critical issue for commercial banks, thus in most of the cases they tend to follow a reliable source of liquidity that will help in retaining their ratios to the required limit and make sure that low cost sources of liquidity are always a part of the banks functioning. Also to maintain proper liquidity ratios bank take several actions like selling redeemable assets, restriction of new loans, fund borrowing, issue of capital instruments, and reduction in dividends. These measures help in maintain ratios to exist above a particular level that indicate that bank responds in those conditions when its reserve ratio targets are disturbed. These ratios are derived from the regulations and liabilities that are associated with the banks functioning and put a number of obligations that has to be carried out under any circumstances. Outline the reasons why, as a matter of monetary policy, central banks control liquidity in the banking system. Central Bank is the key authority that can be held responsible for carrying out the regulatory activities. It is central bank that control credit growth and liquidity in the banking system with the help of a number of tools to make sure that a firm monetary policy is formulated and followed in the entire banking system. It takes care of the management that is involved in regulating supply of money in the entire banking system thus its regulations also helps banks in maintaining their ratios above required limit such that their reserves does not fall beyond a certain frontier. Financial sector is one of those sectors that have to be supervised by some certain entity otherwise it will result into an unregulated segment heading in an uncontrolled manner. Central Banks perform has not only taken, but also performed this duty in a highly beneficial manner for entire financial sector. Gravity of the situation can be understood from the fact that pace of a nations economy is regulated by the supply of money it is having, which in turn depends over central banks decisions. Thus central banks make an indirect contribution in the economic growth of the company through banking system that operates entirely under its control. There may be conditions when banks have high cash available with them, but injecting them without any condition in the market will not provide required return, rather it should be handled with optimum care to channelize their available resources and make sure that both banking system and markets get benefit of that availability of cash. Finally it will also help in boosting up of economy. (Central bank vows to damp excess liquidity, credit growth ) Describe briefly the method(s) used by central banks to control liquidity in the banking system. Central bank is concerned authority that puts a check over liquidity factor existing in banking sector, it follow some of the guidelines to make sure that it does not gets deviated from its track. In order to do so some of the methods followed are, It sets the bank reserve ratio that every bank has to retain with itself so as to take care of its customers at any time on their demand. Limit of this ratio may be increased or decreased based over the demand possessed by the external conditions. These conditions are reliant over highly volatile financial market thus has to be altered on a regular basis by the central bank otherwise it may result into fatality of many reputed financial institutions that will ultimately hamper functioning of national economy. (Zhiming, 2007) It also has to perform an action of liquidity management that is related to the economic adjustments which can be performed with the help of amendments in the policies that are formulated on an initial basis and applied afterwards. Applications of these policies are based over expansion of domestic consumption that finally aims at retention of economic stability. For this purpose, central bank also has to take numerous other factors into consideration that are even slightly related to the economic modifications. As economic growth is depicted by actions and regulations applied by central bank, thus it is up to central bank that whether it follow a discreet monetary policy or make some changes in its multiple monetary policy tools in order to attain a pre defined economic growth that will ultimately help in stabilizing economic health of the banking system.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Importance of George Wilson in The Great Gatsby Essay -- Great Gat
The Importance of George Wilson in The Great Gatsby    F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is a superbly written and an intrinsically captivating novel that deals with the decline of the American Dream and how vapid the upper class is. To illustrate and capture the essence of these themes, Fitzgerald uses characters Gatsby, who epitomizes the actual American Dream, and Daisy, who is based on the ideal girl. Yet, as these characters grasp the topics Fitzgerald wants to convey, there is something inherently like missing from the story as a whole. To fill this void, Fitzgerald utilizes minor characters as a means to move the plot along, develop characters further, and build upon the themes present in the novel. One such character is George Wilson.  George Wilson is the naà ¯ve husband to Myrtle Wilson, the woman having an affair with Tom Buchanan, who is the "brute of a man, a great, big, hulking physical specimen"(Fitzgerald 16) husband to Daisy Buchanan, the woman whom Jay Gatsby, the main character, is in love with: a very removed yet significant role in the story. Evidently playing the role of the common man, in a story revolving around wealth and possessions, George Wilson is the owner of an auto body shop and is described as a "spiritless man, anemic and faintly handsome"(29). Wilson's common man image helps to further develop the theme of Wilson is deeply in love with Myrtle to a point where he is paranoid of losing her. "`I've got my wife locked in up there,' explained Wilson calmly. `She's going to stay there till the day after tomorrow and then we're going to move away"(143).  Truly a character that centers on irony, Wilson's wife is indeed having an affair with Tom Buchanan. ... ...murder of Myrtle, neither of which he committed. After fulfilling his vengeance, George sees no need to continue his life and kills himself, as his only reason for living was his love for the late Myrtle. As well as being a climatic point in the plot, the murder of Gatsby concludes the prevalent theme of the decline of the American Dream.  George Wilson's role, however small it may be, in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is nonetheless clearly one of consequence and importance. Through Fitzgerald's use of Wilson, major characters, prevalent themes, and points in the plot are developed further. And, ultimately, through these characters that at first seem superficial to the story, Fitzgerald is able to weave a complex and charismatic novel.  Work Cited Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. London: Penguin Books, 1990.  Â
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Social Construction of Workers’ Collectivism Essay -- Unions
Union renewal depends largely on increased member participation, generating and maintaining strong collective identities and mobilization of union resources. It was further contended that collective identities are not given, but constructed and sustained through narrative framing and engagement of individuals. These processes highlighted the importance of trade union leaders’ ability to construct and sustain workers’ collective identity and interest via strategies which seek to broaden the relevancy of trade unionism. In a time when worker collectivism is in a decline, the relevant question is to what extent is this possible? According to Muckenberger (1995), the decline of trade unionism in terms of density and the importance of trade unions as socio-political actors are often interpreted as representing the decline of worker collectivism. The underlying assumption that were put forth of the decline from literature has been the ascendancy of individualization over coll ectivism. There has a socio-cultural transformation whereby working class values of collectivism have given way to more individualistic orientations (Hyman 1999). Trade unions were formerly built on pre-existing solidarities such as the principle of collective identity that predated capitalist employment relationships. Collective experience at work was complemented by domestic life in nearby shared recreational, cultural and religious pursuits. In a nutshell, trade union was an institution embedded in an encompassing social landscape (Hyman 2002). The shift from collectivism to individualism was the result of the growth in affluence, skills level and geographical mobility, which enable acquisitive individualism overriding collective interests (Brown 1990). It was fu... ... a national labour centre that is representative of trade unions in Malaysia, it is in the process of rebranding itself as serious political actor in light of new opening, with broader aggregation of political and social interest. This research intend to looks at ways in which union leaders in MTUC is going to construct its identity and organization and reshape Malaysian workers’ views on the nature of trade unionism. In conclusion, it is argued that structural factor such as level of employment and institutional and legal frameworks of industrial relations create more or less favourable condition for collectivization of workers. However, they themselves may not generate workers’ collectivism, since collective identities are not given, but constructed and sustained through narrative framing and engagement of individuals by union leaders and activists.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Speech Recognition Software :: Essays Papers
Speech Recognition Software Throughout the past 100 years, we have had visions of what the future would be like thanks to the creative minds behind movies and television shows. Many predictions as to what the future would be like have come true, while others are still far off. One element that can be seen in almost all futuristic fictional forms is that of speech recognition. Right now, developers are hard at work trying to make speech recognition an aspect of every day life. It is far from this final destination, but that’s not to say it isn’t a technology that is being used today. Several elementary products are available now that utilize speech recognition software technology. Speech recognition is a revolutionary technology in software development that will change the way we interact with our digital world. Speech recognition has been created and researched for many valid reasons. The main purpose of the technology is a way for humans to interact with computers and other digital devices by simply speaking. They can not only tell the computer commands, but they can speak normally while the computer converts the speech into text. This improves input speed to the computer because a person can speak much faster than they can use their hands typing or controlling the mouse. This is also an advancement that helps people with disabilities (Connections). People with arthritis, weak bones, or other medial conditions may have a hard time typing and using the mouse. Blind people can’t even see computer screens to check for spelling mistakes or to see where the mouse cursor is on the screen. Speech recognition can help these disabled people interact with computers in ways that were previously impossible. The software itself does most of the work, and the user essentially only has to speak at the speed the program can operate. There are a few different types of voice recognition software, all programmed to interpret a vocal signal inputted by the user. In order to use the software, the user must use a headset or some other microphone-type device that allows for vocal input. The technology works as follows: the analog signal from the voice cones in through the microphone, that signal is converted to digital, and the voice software interprets the digital signal.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Data Flow Diagram Explain
4. 3 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM A data flow diagram is a graphical technique that depicts information flow and transforms that are applied as data move from input to output. The DFD is also known as Data Flow Graph or Bubble Chart. The DFD is used to represent increasing information flow and functional details. Also DFD can be stated as the starting point of the design phase that functionally decomposes the requirements specifications down to the lowest level of detail.A Level 0 also called a fundamental system model or a context level DFD that represent the entire software elements as a single bubble with input and output data indicated by incoming and outgoing arrows, respectively. Additional process and information flow parts are represented in the next level, i. e. , level 1 DFD. Each of the processes represented at level 1 are sub functions of overall system depicted in the context model. Any processes that are complex in level 1 will be further represented into sub functions in the next level, i. e. , level 2.Data flow diagram is a means of representing a system at any level of detail with a graphic network of symbols showing data flows, data stores, data processes and data sources. The purpose of data flow diagram is to provide a semantic bridge between users and system developers. The diagram is the basis of structured system analysis. A DFD describes what data flows rather than how they are processed, so it does not depend on hardware, software, data structure or file organization. 4. 3. 1 Components of Data Flow Diagram There are four symbols that are used in the drawing of Data Flow Diagrams: Entities External entities represent the sources of data that enter the system or the recipients of data that leave the system. * Process Processes represent activities in which data is manipulated by being stored or retrieved or transformed in some way. A circle represents it. The process will show the data transformation or change. * Databases Databases represent stora ge of data within the system. * Data Flow A data flow shows the flow of information from its source to its destination. A line represents a data flow, with arrowheads showing the direction of flow.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
John Dewey And Education Education Essay
The thoughts of the great American philosopher, John Dewey, transformed the American instruction system. While all Dewey did was merely use some of his pragmatist philosophical ideals to the schoolroom, the consequences of his work changed instruction everlastingly. In the short essay, â€Å" My Pedagogic Creed, †Dewey gives his readers great insight into his thoughts sing what instruction is, how it should be done, and why it ‘s of import. Today, he is considered a â€Å" male parent of instruction †and his positions are being adapted in all kinds of ways in schoolrooms around the universe. Dewey foremost stood out by rejecting the traditional ideal of American instruction which was built around instructors standing up in the forepart of the schoolroom and pouring information into the heads of their pupils. Alternatively, Dewey suggested a new signifier of instruction that utilised applicable experience as the cardinal component of larning. Thesis sentences her e John Dewey embodies many of the matter-of-fact ideals that define American doctrine. He was born around the clip that Charles Darwin ‘s Origin of Species book came out, so the arguments environing that subject had a monumental influence on his doctrine. Along with many other American philosophers of Dewey ‘s clip, such as Charles Sanders Peirce, there was a desire to react to these new finds in evolutionary scientific discipline and happen out how they related to doctrine. Dewey believed that cognition was best discovered through the scientific method. As I will subsequently speak about, this is nowhere more prevailing than in Dewey ‘s theoretical account for instruction in which he defaults to hands-on experience and enquiry as the paramount key to larning. Traveling out into the existent universe and holding a unrecorded experience that could be tested and criticized by others in order to come on to something better was indispensable to Dewey ‘s position and a foundational belief of many American pragmatists. In the eyes of Dewey, instruction and life were one in the same. Dewey is quoted as stating, â€Å" instruction is a procedure of life and non a readying for future life †( 8, My Pedagogic Creed ) . A proper instruction of the person was indispensable to the operation and growing of that person and the society they lived in, as school was foremost a â€Å" societal establishment. †School was to be centered on the community and the pupil was being developed in school so they could be an active member of the community. Dewey advocated that what a kid does in their place life should be incorporated into the course of study in the schoolroom. Besides for Dewey, the pupil had to be invested in their instruction for it to intend anything. The manner that he suggested this be accomplished was to allow the pupils learn about something they were interested in. An instruction could merely be valuable if the pupil was larning stuff that they could really use to their existent mu ndane life as evidenced by Dewey ‘s quotation mark, â€Å" True instruction comes through the stimulation of the kid ‘s powers by the demands of the societal state of affairss in which he finds himself †( 2, My Pedagogic Creed ) . Dewey believed that instruction was a procedure of find where pupils would analyze what they were interested in at their ain gait as they were bit by bit going more cognizant of where their involvements laid. Dewey ‘s instruction system is possibly most good known for how it stresses the importance of â€Å" custodies on †experience in the acquisition procedure. Dewey believed that people learned best by traveling out and interactively â€Å" making. †Out were the yearss where instructors would talk on facts and information, coercing their thoughts onto the pupils. Dewey criticized instructors and the current instruction system for protecting pupils excessively closely and non allowing them travel out into the existent universe so they could bloom stating, â€Å" the state of affairs approaches larning to swim without traveling excessively near the H2O †( The Relation of Theory to Practice, Dewey ) . For Dewey, a instructor ‘s occupation was more about being a facilitator to the pupils, assisting them discover what they were interested in and so making ways for them to actively ‘do ‘ these things. Ultimately for Dewey, larning grounded in ex perience combined with capable affair that was interesting and applicable to the pupil would take to a greater society. I think that both good and bad semen from John Dewey ‘s thoughts for instruction. First off, I like Dewey ‘s motion off from learning manners that stressed merely memorisation and the regurgitation of facts. Hands-on experience is a proved manner for pupils to larn. It is much more gratifying for the pupil and seems to be straight applicable to their hereafter. I besides agree with Dewey ‘s position that pupils should larn about something that involvements them. Stuffing facts that childs do non hold any desire to larn down their pharynxs is non good to anyone. When pupils can really link with the stuff they are larning, they are more likely to set in the clip and attempt that is necessary to to the full develop their cognition and apprehension of a topic. Lastly, I believe that it ‘s a good thought to concentrate your surveies in one peculiar country as it is really hard to get the hang a battalion of topics. I think it ‘s better to be highly adept in o ne topic than to hold an mean sum of cognition in multiple topics. This manner, everyone can pick an country of survey that involvements them and so, as a community, each individual can convey their one alone country of expertness to the tabular array and the remainder of the people that are n't as fluent in that topic can profit. With that being said, I think the preceding rules need to be applied in moderateness. While memorisation and repeat is non a perfect signifier of instruction, the consequences are difficult to reason with. I believe that there is something to be said for get the hanging a topic. For illustration, my major country of survey is accounting. It is one thing for me to acquire custodies on experience straight applicable to my major, but larning can non merely come through â€Å" playing †so to talk. I must first analyze all the foundational information that is out at that place. There are many people in the universe that are much more knowing on the topic than me and there are a batch of valuable things I can larn from them. Second, to be a successful comptroller, there are other nucleus topics that I must be competent in. For case, I need to be knowing in English to be able to pass on with my coworkers and I need to cognize math so I am able to calculate the expression required in accounting. There is a proved value in holding a rounded instruction. Learning about topics that may non straight use to your country of survey can profit you in many different ways. As an illustration, possibly it could sharpen your critical thought accomplishments. And on top of that, a pupil might believe they are non interested in a certain topic until they really take a category and larn about it. Hard work and long hours spent in the library-sometimes memorizing rules and formulas-is necessary for me to be a maestro of accounting, although I may non bask that work. To me, Dewey ‘s instruction system seems to promote jumping the chief class and traveling consecutive to dessert. I believe that I foremost need to get the hang the rules of accounting in order to merit a shooting of traveling out into the existent universe and really â€Å" making †accounting. Dewey stayed true to his matter-of-fact ideals by proving out his ain instruction theories in a real-life environment. He created what became to be known as his really ain â€Å" laboratory school. †Dewey ‘s school was radically different than any other of its clip. The pupils did non sit at desks and listen to a teacher talk or make homework jobs out of a text edition. Alternatively they would be traveling about the schoolroom making changing physical activities, such as run uping or cooking. As I stated earlier, Dewey believed that pupils could larn the critical accomplishments ( math and scientific discipline for illustration ) that they needed by making these types of activities alternatively of the more traditional â€Å" analyzing the text edition †method. The kids were broken down by age and every different age group was ever making something different. Dewey had the childs traveling on field trips, edifice theoretical accounts, moving out dramas, and pla ying games among many other â€Å" active †things. He preached that instructors should keep off on holding childs do things like reading and composing until the pupil found it necessary and appealing to make so ( Dewey Article, Enotes ) . Dewey ‘s school had its successes and failures and there is a batch that can be taken away his expansive â€Å" experiment. †While I do acknowledge that a batch of great instruction patterns were foremost developed at Dewey ‘s laboratory school, I can non assist but detect the cardinal defects that existed in it. If I was to use what Dewey showcased in his school to today ‘s universe of instruction, I think his system would neglect. The ground for this is first that Dewey seemed to be looking at instruction through â€Å" rose coloured spectacless †so to talk. In my sentiment, a theory on instruction should be able to use to any state of affairs. I think about what Dewey had put together in his school, where the place life was to a great extent incorporated into the category course of study. But, what about kids that come from broken places, as we see so frequently in today ‘s society? If a kid is being abused or enduring under the ticker of alcoholic parents, who could care less about their kid ‘s instruction, how would that suit into Dewey ‘s system? Dewey ‘s s chool would likely work good in a instance where a kid has really supportive parents that are highly interested in their kid ‘s instruction, but how frequently is that non the instance in today ‘s universe? Henry Perkinson, an writer and pedagogue at New York University, makes a remark about Dewey ‘s lab school stating, â€Å" Dewey ‘s educational doctrine depicts a school or school endeavor that ne'er existed and likely ne'er could be. To transport it out would necessitate superteachers and superstudents †( Perkinson, ) . While I believe Dewey is taking instruction in the right way, I think he foremost needs to happen a manner to develop a theory on instruction that can use to each and every pupil. Another country that I merely ca n't hold with Dewey in is how he resorts to see as the primary manner for a pupil to larn. Without a uncertainty, I believe that his method of enquiry can add a batch to a pupil ‘s instruction. In his school, the childs were making so many astonishing things that I wish I could hold done in my old ages as a immature male child. But, looking at the large image, there seems to be so many things that a kid must larn over their life-time that they can non perchance detect and â€Å" make †everything. Yes, you can larn math when mensurating out the flour required to bake a bar, but can that signifier of math be applied to everything? There are other things out in the universe like mensurating liquids or numbering coins. How would one kid have the clip and the agencies to see every individual thing? I think that at some point, pupils will necessitate to utilize some signifier of memorisation of information or facts as a footing of cognition th at they can so utilize to larn about other things. A quotation mark from a parent that had a kid in Dewey ‘s school truly sums up this job stating, â€Å" We have to learn him how to analyze. He learned to ‘observe ‘ last twelvemonth †( Storr, ) . I think that Dewey had the right thought, but he had everything backwards. First, the pupil should larn a foundation of cognition, from something like a text edition, and so they can travel out and experiment and use that cognition to existent mundane state of affairss. John Dewey was a great philosopher that made ground-breaking progresss in instruction. He was a adult male that practiced what he preached and for that I have great regard. I do like Dewey ‘s thoughts in doses. In the terminal, I think that a good balance of his â€Å" experiential acquisition †in combination with a disciplined survey of information and text edition is the best signifier of instruction. While his thoughts did hold their defects, the way that he took American instruction was for the better.
Catherine Smith Essay
Catherine Smith was miss-treated in this situation as she had been to the police numerous times and never was there once a charge laied against Kevin smith. The one time Catherine retaliated she was put on trial and was almost sentenced to 25 years jail for only one offence when Kevin had committed 17 offences which were 3 attempted murders and several sexual assaults. The police did nothing even know Catherine had gone to them and they did nothing at all, that was not fair on Catherine or her family. Catherine was wrongly accused of trying to kill her husband Kevin in self-defence after over 30 years, this is just like she had already been in jail and done nothing wrong. Lucky for once the judge ruled out her case as self-defence and Kevin is still out in the world hurting Catherine. In 1997 Catherine escaped but Kevin came looking for her. He kidnapped their son Duncan and held him at gun point and Kevin was charged for only kidnapping his son not for any of the other 17 crimes he had committed and only sent to jail for a couple of mouths. Catherine could not believe that this had happened on a couple of mouths this is very unfair to Catherine and her kids. During this time Catherine tried to go see all her children. But a week before he was issued on parole. Catherine and her kids had to go into lock down again. Vicky Smith says â€Å"he was obsessive. He had to find her, he had to have her, he had to control her, and he had to own her. (Daughter) Also in the time Catherine and Kevin were married he assaulted 2 police officers, stole their gun and fired at his children who were trying to run and hid, again nothing was done and he wasn’t charged. This is not fair that someone that horrible can get away with so much and thing that are so important. Kevin smith was finally sentenced for up to 10 years jail for 17 offences including rape, assault and attempted murder. His sentence was not rightly done because for attempted murder is jail time for less than 25 years and Kevin is only getting 10 years for what he has done. Also this happened over 30 years ago and Catherine was technically in jail for over 30 years and for all the things Kevin had done to Catherine and what he put his family through all he got was 10 years jail. The jury in her trial only took 25 minutes to reach a unanimous verdict of not guilty. Finally Kevin Smith was convicted for his crimes. However it took another three months for justice to be delivered, with smith repeatedly stymieing the legal process. â€Å"he was trying more stalling tactics†¦ never faced up to what’s happened,†As Catherine quotes â€Å"I can’t believe it, finally, I can tell people my address. Finally I can go and visit my grandchildren without fear. A few years of peace, that’s what this means†. â€Å"With time already served, Kevin will be eligible for parole in 2020†.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Cronica de Una Muerte Anunciado
Society should not be blamed for the antisocial behaviour of some individuals. Every society is made up of individuals with different values, preferences, goals and personalities. It is therefore not surprising to learn that some people feel that society should be blamed for any antisocial behaviour the individual might display. Before considering both sides of this issue we will define what is meant by the term antisocial behaviour. Behaviour that goes against what is considered acceptable by the norms opf society is said to be antisocial.Therefore, in most modern societies, murder, drug-abuse, violence and rape are among the behaviours that are antisocial. Should the society really be held accountable for the misconduct of its citizens? Some feel that it is unjust to blame the society because, as a free moral agent, the individual is responsible for his/her own decisions and actions. For instance in Cronica de una muerte anunciada by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the Vicario brothers kil l Santiago Nasar to avenge the family's honour.It is a death that is foretold because they have already made their intentions known to most people i the society. As a result, there are those who blame the society for not having done anything to prevent the murder. In fact, many citizens feel guilty for having remained silent over the matter. However, who made the decision to comit this antisocial act? Who actually committed it? The truth is, the Vicario brothers are the ones who made this decision and committed the act. So should the society be held accountable?One might consider the events leading up to the murder and say that Angela, her parents, and her friends were all equally accountable. Even though she was not in love with Bayardo, her parents were taken in by his wealth. Moreover, her mother assured her: â€Å"el amor se aprende. †Her friends too, discouraged her from any thought of revealing that she was not a virgin. They also assured her that her husband would not be aware of her state, and they encouraged her to deceive him: â€Å"Lo unico que creen es lo que vean en la sabana, le dijeron. â€Å"All these factors led to her being returned to her parents in a state of disgrace, thus prompting her brothers to seek out and kill Santiago Nasar. In addition to this, the societal traditions that led the brothers to feel the need to avenge the family's honour could be blamed for the fateful events. As we have seen, even though the Vicario brothers must bear the responsibility for their actions, there is overwhelming evidence that the society, through its silence, its traditions, its deceit, and its greed, is to be blamed for the antisocial behaviour of Angela's brothers.
Friday, September 13, 2019
B202B_TMA01 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
B202B_TMA01 - Essay Example urther argue that it is the identification of the cycles of technology that eventually determines the type of innovation but at the same time the cycles the same are affected and influenced by the innovation employed by organizations, especially in high technology sensitive product markets. Technological discontinuities, according to Tushman et al. (1997), intervene with incremental innovations – which are oriented towards improving and continuously re-configurating technologies – and eventually result in a conflict and rivalry between already existing technologies and new emerging technologies. Tushman and O’Reilly (2002) explain that the technological cycles involve four phases; the technological ferment where the emergence of technology is feasible and competencies are developed, the emergence of the dominant design – which reflects the best practices and the innovations on the technology, the retention phase which refers to the era of incremental innovation and improvement of the existing technology takes place and finally the variation phase, where technological discontinuity emerges and the competencies and capabilities of organizations are either enhanced or destroyed. Great importance is attributed by Tushmann and Murmann (1997) to t he second and fourth phase of the technology cycles; the authors suggest that the emergence of innovation with the selection of the dominant design sets forth the mechanisms for proceeding from product innovation to process innovation. While the focal point after the technological ferment is the development of the product, the choice over the dominant design energizes the innovation at the process level and shifts the attention to the process oriented new designs (Tidd et al., 1999). Once the dominant design is set it gradually leads to the incremental innovation which predominantly focuses on improving the â€Å"standard product†(Tushman et al., 1997). The next phase that is critical for the innovation with regards to
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Information technology Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Information technology - Term Paper Example The areas of responsibility of the IT Manager include but not limited to the IT Project Management, Computer Network and Server Administration, compliance of Information Technology and procedures, Information Security, moreover, the responsibility of automating a company by implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) including diverse departments (finance, sales & marketing, procurement, operations, inventory etc.) of a company. However, a lead IT Manager can also be responsible for the developing and implementing information technology policy, strategic direction and planning for implementing information technology standards in a company by utilizing human and technical resources. One of the known definitions of the management is â€Å"getting things done through other people†(The Big Geek, 2010). It would be a great opportunity for me to work as Lead Information Technology Manager in Magnum Enterprises. Keeping in view the diverse roles of the lead IT manager and the pu rpose of Magnum Enterprises for hiring me, I would like to discuss on integrating the software, hardware and business management capabilities. I believe that the role of IT Management includes: the research and development by understanding the IT requirements of the company and implementing software and deploying hardware so that the company should be able to enhance productivity. In order to achieve my objective, I need to work on developing the policies, action plans keeping in view the operations of the company. The IT policy and strategic plans should be in accordance to the company’s priorities so that the company would able to achieve its predefined goals. Actually, the IT is utilized to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the company’s business processes by developing and utilizing software applications / products so that the customer’s of the company should get quality services. Once the company would be able to achieve customer satisfaction, the company would ultimately get increase profitability and competitiveness. It is significant to know the goal, objectives and mission statement of the company before developing any strategy. Therefore, primarily I will review the company’s goals and objectives to keep myself informed of the priorities of the Magnum Enterprise. It will not only give me the right direction but also guide me to take informed decisions. It is important to investigate the business process of the Magnum Enterprises, moreover, the current IT infrastructure, provision of services to the customers, the prevailing IT standards and procedures. One of the important responsibilities of the lead IT manager is to communicate with all the stakeholders. Furthermore, I believe that the lead IT manager is a mediator between the company’s senior management and the team, therefore, it is equivalently significant that I should know the tools required for reporting to the senior management / Chief Information Officer (CIO) – Ms. Rachel Heigl. Furthermore, the current job roles of the team so that I could be able to assign the tasks to my team. It is primarily the responsibility of the lead IT manager to motivate, inform and utilize the team in an appropriate manner so that the team would be occupied to achieve the company’
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Crital thinking analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Crital thinking analysis - Essay Example The purpose for me to write this report, is to evaluate this piece of writing analytically that will further illuminate the results of my critical thinking. Further this report is intended to serve the purpose of describing, evaluating and analyzing the arguments presented in the article. This report further should be able to inform the Editorial review board, based on a solid analysis that whether the article is worthy of being published in the journal of ‘Advanced Critical Thinking ‘for businesses and why. The major issue outlined in the article is that of the fact that, with the help of a proper restructuring plan, public limited companies can be turned into profitable firms by taking them into private ownerships and restructuring them. . Furthermore, the Example of Blackstone Company is being discussed herein. The Article also highlights the American approach towards such an issue. It also investigates how Foreign Companies listings on the American stock exchange helps gain valuation premium. The Article tends to put forth a question: If the readers think that that a public firm that is to be restructured would be better managed if it would be financed in a better manner. The article outlines the details of Blackstone Company, which is listed with the American Stock Exchange. The Global IPO‘s current position is described. The market in London then in comparison is stated to possess policies and rules that pose lesser personal risk to the directors of companies. How finance experts argue that the American approach is better off is also described briefly. How tighter regulations along with then bring Investor confidence has also been defined and explained. Private equity and the typical Buyout transaction entail hollowing out a public company which is undervalued and restructuring and after a few years selling the company for a profit. The article compares both the American stock exchange and London stock exchange working
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Sensory Perceptions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Sensory Perceptions - Essay Example But what is also interesting is that the brain, rather than being a passive recipient of inputs also directs and conditions the other sense organs. This makes the brain the most powerful sense organ, for it can potentially control the flow and the meaning of information that is gathered through the five basis sensory inputs. There are several factors that determine the accuracy of sensory information. The quality of the information source is one and the health of the receiving sensory organ is another. The conduciveness of the medium of transmission is also a key factor. The way these three factors interact and compound is best illustrated through the example of listening to the radio. Thrown in this mix is the nature/nurture divide that adds complexity the problem of information acquisition. Nature plays a role in that the innate intelligence and modes of survival of the species (ex. carnivorous or herbivorous) determine the necessity for perceiving relative threats, opportunities, etc. In other words, the way animals are programmed to fight or flee and what to eat and what to shun determine their capacity for perceiving select information out of all the available data. Other factors such as health condition, age, etc all have a bearing on the efficiency and accuracy with which information is gathered through the senses. (Pomerantz, 2003) Philosophers since ancient times have grappled with the nature, scope and veracity of human knowledge. In fact, the philosophical discipline of epistemology concerns itself wholly to answering such questions. Epistemologists generally agree that human knowledge is largely a product of human sensory capabilities. In other words, our capacity for knowledge is limited by the range and depth of our sense faculties in receiving and interpreting data. Thus, understanding the roles of nature and nurture are essential to the epistemological analysis. To the extent that human beings are a product
Monday, September 9, 2019
Post-Racial Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Post-Racial Society - Essay Example The essay "Post-racial society" discusses the lack of employment for Black American that has become a problem from quite some time especially in labor where racial discrimination is still deep rooted. According to labor department report, the unemployment of blacks increased 10 16.7% the highest since 1984(Censky, 2011). What steps are taken in the past to prevent this issue? Are they really sought about? The question still hangs in the air without answered. The highest rate of incarceration of a black man estimated by U.S Bureau of justice in 2011 was 82,595 which make it 37.9%of all the prisoners. The stats have high rocketed and are even more than the enslaved black man in the year 1850 before the civil war ( The false image media portrayed played a vital role in depicting the wrong image of Blacks. They are shown as thugs, players, muggers in streets, involved in drugs and having sex with anyone they happen to know. Is this the way we want our future generation to perceive African American around them? In the US today, 13% of the population represent black and over 1 million of the population suffer from HIV in which half of the victims are black. The estimation black sufferers for life are; out of 16 black male 1 is infected with HIV and out of 30 females, 1 is infected. Currently 60% women diagnosed with HIV are black( ).
Sunday, September 8, 2019
School Anxiety Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
School Anxiety - Research Proposal Example Introduction Literature Review Bernstein (2011) defined separation anxiety as a common anxiety disorder that lasts for at least 4 weeks, among children who are 18 years old and below. This is often believed as the precursor to refuse to go to school, and affects about three fourths of children who are in school entrance age; however, this is sometimes mimicked the symptoms of school refusal. Hence, children who are identified to have refusal to go to school must also be tested for mutism (Bernstein, 2011). On the other hand, separation anxiety among children ages 3 to 4 years of age is considered as developmentally normal. During this stage, they exhibit mild distress and clinging behavior by the time they are separated from their figure of attachment such as their caregivers (Bernstein, 2011). Bernstein (2011) noted that studies have shown that a correlation about significant reading and math achievement impairment 5 – 6 years after school entrance was noted among children wh o exhibit considerable anxiety symptoms. ... Bernstein (2011) analyzed that those children have long term impairment and morbidity as well as unchanged dysfunctional interaction among parents and children at home. Bernstein added that the key to shorten the course of anxiety among school aged children, prompt treatment must be applied. Otherwise, due to intensity and chronicity of anxiety experienced by these children, 40 – 50 percent of these children or youth are at risk for being out of school and unable to graduate because of refusal to treatment. Another literature from American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2011) states that although young children considers going to school as an exciting and enjoyable event, some considers it as a source of intense fear and panic that parents must be concerned of. Regular minor complaints of not wanting to go to school can be a sign for children not wanting to leave their comfort zone at home. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2011) noted that this saga is very difficult for parents to cope, but with the help of professional workers, these fears and behavior of being panicked and refusal to go to school can be successfully treated. Children who refused to go to school are usually children who became closer to their parents following a period of staying at home during school breaks or brief illness. However, once these children are used to in frequently being in school, they begun to calm down since their primary concern is not going to school, but rather, it is leaving their comfort zone at home (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2011). Children with persistent separation anxiety will experience serious potential long – term effects of anxiety and panic disorder when left untreated. Serious educational or
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Operations Planning and Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Operations Planning and Control - Essay Example However, demand for organizational products is influenced by many factors as explained by Ahlersten (2008, p. 87). These factors include the price of the products, time of the year, price of other substitute and complementary products, taste and preferences of customers and the income of the population. In addition, demand is determined by the expectations of customers in changes of price and quantities supplied in the market. This however depends on all other factors remaining constant. Dilts (2004, p. 68) asserts that demand must be backed by the purchasing power of the customers and is always related to a specific price and time. Consequently, it is critical for organizations to optimize the supply of products during the peak demand period to ensure that the customers are able to access the services demanded. This is the greatest dilemma facing Holly Farm. The Farm at the beginning of 2007 decided to open its doors for paying visitors to view their Farm. The organization is involv ed in both dairy and arable livestock rearing. To ensure the comfort of their visitors, the company invested its entire savings constructing a 50-space car park and a six park for the 40-seater coaches. Furthermore they invested in constructing a safe area for viewing the milking parlour, purchased special trailers to transport passengers around the farm on guided tours and a children’s recreation playground. Behind the shop, the farm constructed a small facility for making dairy ice cream. Through aggressive advertising and events organized in local schools and organizations; the number of visitors to the Farm has grown steadily and by the end of 2010, the annual number of visitors was over twenty one thousand. There are great variations in the number of visitors during different months of the year and time of the day. Although the allowed visiting hours are from 11.00 am to 6.20 after milking is completed, approximately 90 percent of the visitors in cars and coaches arrive after midday picnic until around 1.30pm and make a tour of the farm in the afternoon. By 3.00 pm about 40 percent would leave the Farm while 60 percent wait to view the milking process and there after visit the shop for ice cream and other products. There are more visitors from April to October while demand is too low outside this period. Moreover, visits are high from Friday to Monday, the demand peaking on Saturdays and Sundays. The period between November and March is usually too cold for tractor rides and the animals have to be kept inside. Gillian who is charged with the responsibility of managing the visitors has initiated an ambitious plan to increase the number of visitors to the Farm by forty percent in 2011. Moreover, a state of the art milking parlour has been launched by the Farm where cows are milked on a slow moving turntable and milking is to last from 3.00 to 6.00 pm. To optimize the number visitors visiting the Farm, Gillian has to determine whether concentrate on i ndividual advertising or promoting visits by coaches during the peak time. In case
Friday, September 6, 2019
Health Promotion Essay Example for Free
Health Promotion Essay In today’s society, individuals do not recognize that every phase of their life is influenced by their health. People cannot accomplish their goals in society to their full advantage when they are unhealthy. In order to help the population improve their overall health, health promotion is essential. Health promotion and its objective will be discussed in this paper. In addition, it will further examine what our responsibilities are as nurses in the structure of health promotion. Furthermore, health promotion is separated into three levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, all benefitting the individual. The U.S. Public Health Service identifies health promotion as â€Å"the process of advocating health in order to enhance the probability that personal, private, and public support of positive health practices will become a societal norm†(Edelman Mandle, 2010, p. 14). In addition to offering information to patients regarding their health, health promotion incorporates supporting patients to enhance their general well-being and recognize their individual health potential (Skybo Polivka, 2007). Health promotion provides patients with the understanding of the different elements that can alter their health and inspires them to obtain control of it (Bennett, Perry, Lawrence, 2009). As well as enhancing patient outcomes, health promotion assists in reducing costs, which are consistently rising in health care (Edelman Mandle, 2010). According to Edelman Mandel, health promotion can be used on a public level, community level, or personal level (2010). For instance, on the public level, health promotion could include granting assistance or low-income housing programs by the government. The community level might incorporate Habitat for Humanity, which is a great advantage for that particular population. Lastly, the personal level would include individuals who vote to favor programs that assist the community (Hoyle, Bartee, Allensworth, 2010). Health promotion, a frequently used phrase, is especially critical to the nursing career. It encompasses many concepts that nurses encounter daily. Because education is crucial to succeed, nurses are an essential part in health promotion. Every day, nurses provide education to their patients. To assist them in maintaining and enhancing their well-being, nursing interventions benefit individuals by expanding their resources (Edelman Mandle, 2010). Since there are various settings in nursing, this is the ideal opportunity to educate individuals. With the help of nurses, healthy communities, homes, and schools can exist with proper education. Regardless of the specialty, all nurses need to educate patients on how to remain fit so they can live a longer, healthier life. Currently, collaboration occurs with an interdisciplinary team, which all assist in improving patients’ lives. Team members may include physicians, therapists, social workers, and dietitians. By working together to create a diverse educational background, this team helps patients overcome their illnesses or helps them manage the disease affecting their life (Bennett et al., 2009). Since health promotion is employed entirely across nursing, nurses are accountable for facilitating the best outcome for each individual patient. Health promotion includes three levels; primary, secondary and tertiary (Edelman Mandle, 2010). Primary prevention includes delivering strategies and education to help patients avoid illnesses (Edelman Mandle, 2010). For example, when a nurse delivers an immunization to a patient, she educates them about the potential risks of the disease and how the immunization will help prevent them from contracting the disease. In addition to the community, primary education is also applied in schools as an informative tool, to educate students about harmful diseases such as those taught in sex education classes. This offers support to students, enabling them to make informed decisions about protecting their health from such diseases. Secondary prevention is the next level of health promotion. This includes timely diagnosis of an illness and immediate therapy (Edelman Mandle, 2010). This level aids in reducing occurrences of illness and inhibiting development between patients (Bennett et al., 2009). By offering community screenings for diabetes or hypertension, nurses are applying secondary prevention. Public health screenings allow nurses to identify potential diseases at an early stage, as well as provide the patient with beneficial information to slow the progression of the illness. Lastly, the tertiary level consists of helping the patient with rehabilitation and recovery (Edelman Mandle, 2010). This stage identifies the disease and makes the patient cognizant of their health challenges. The nurse’s role in this level is to deliver education to help reduce complications. If a patient is admitted to the hospital with a stroke, physical and occupational rehabilitation may be initiated to retain the maximum stage of function and to avoid another stroke from transpiring (Skybo Polivka, 2007). The three levels of health promotion are utilized every day and positively assist patients with improving themselves. Nursing will continually incorporate health promotion and the prevention of illnesses. To help support the best outcome for all patients, it is essential that nurses adapt to change. Primary, secondary, and tertiary are the principle levels of health promotion in the nursing profession. These three levels will contribute to patients living longer, healthier lives. References Bennett, C., Perry, J., Lawrence, Z. (2009). Promoting health in primary care. Nursing Standard, 23(47), 48-56. Retrieved from Edelman, C., Mandle, C. L. (2010). Health promotions throughout the life span (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Hoyle, T., Bartee, R., Allensworth, D. (2010). Applying the process of health promotion in schools: A commentary. Journal Of School Health, 80(4), 163-166. doi:10.1111/j.1746-1561.2009.00483.x. Retrieved from Skybo, T., Polivka, B. (2007). Health promotion model for childhood violence prevention and exposure. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 16(1), 38-45. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2006.01621.x. Retrieved from =truedb=rzhAN=2009481108site=ehost-livescope=site
Mineral Exploration Essay Example for Free
Mineral Exploration Essay Mineral exploration is the initial stage of the mining cycle. It is a sequential process of information gathering that assesses the mineral potential of a given area. In simple words it is the search for mineral deposits. The reason of exploration is to trace a new source of metal or useful minerals. This includes industrial minerals like silica or clay minerals, metals like iron, lead, zinc, etc., and precious metals and gemstones like gold and diamonds. Types of Mineral Exploration  ·Grassroots exploration involves looking for a deposit in an area where the mineral or metal has never been found till date.  ·Brownfield exploration is the search for any traces of additional deposits near an identified mine.  ·On-mine-site exploration is about expanding a mineral resource that has been found beforehand and developed on the property of an existing mine. Mineral Exploration Process Prospecting It is the search for mineral deposits and starts with an idea or geologic model that identifies lands worthy of advance exploration. It basically includes prospectors walking the around examining and mapping rock types and collecting rock and soil samples by hand for either mineral or laboratory analysis. Mining Claim Staking It is exercised in all the countries as a way of indicating to the government the area that a company wishes to explore further in detail. The license required to stake a claim can be applied for at a mining recorders office. Once a claim is staked and approved by the appropriate government agency, it gives the company the exclusive right to explore that section of ground for a specific time. Detailed Exploration Once a claim has been staked and based on the results of its initial prospecting work, the company will come to a decision on whether to carry on with more detailed exploration. Many minerals are buried deep beneath soil so to test if minerals are present advanced techniques are used such as geophysical and geochemical surveys, and diamond drilling programs are also used. Sampling and Drilling If earlier stages suggest that there is the probability of a mineral deposit underground, the exploration company now might be able to sample that rock to calculate approximately the extent and form of that mineral deposit. The samples are then sent to laboratories for testing and the company will analyze the results.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Dolce Gabbana Perfume Review
Dolce Gabbana Perfume Review Dolce Gabbana by Dolce Gabbana Dolce Gabbana, not only popular in fashion industry but also in perfume fragrances. Started its line in 1985 and still sway peoples sensation worldwide. From its first perfume Dolce Gabbana Pour Femme, the company keeps revealing a sensible expression of its elegant designs. The new self titled perfume, Dolce Gabbana Pour Homme was released in 1994 receives three international awards at International Academy Awards of The Academia del Profumo and never stops to entice consumers to spend their cash on. It is one of the top-ranked fragrances in the world together with the other perfumes manufactured by this brand. Today, the labels alluring collection of scents symbolizes Italians mood of chic style. Product description Dolce Gabbana is blended with different likeable smell which goes with sweet, spicy, sexy floral and fruity scent for men that lasts with longevity. It is contained in a semi-cylindrical bottle covered with a black cap and its label is simple but with huge bang. The perfume comes in a box with blue velvety elegance that surely will capture your stare and feelings of envy. The Fragrance Topnotes The opening impression of its scent is an array of bergamot, orange, mandarin and lemon which makes it smells more of a citrus aroma. This citrusy smell attracts womens olfactory sense and so it is played in the topnotes making it more fresh and sexy in appeal. This is probably the reason why it is saleable to the market. On the other hand, Bergamot creates a basic and synthetic odour of the perfume making smells like ordinary,. The quick smell lasts for a day and so it is appropriate for those who have active lifestyles such as teen agers and working men who spend most of their days outdoor. The scent overshadows the sweaty feeling so it is a good product for an additional self confidence. Dolce Gabbana Pour Homme, as a critique for its head scent is more of a womans preference. The strong scent is a bit intolerable and beyond a guys thing. Women are more into strong and uplifting perfume spirit as what Pour Homme has. Middle notes The top smell of Pour Homme is an impression that lasts. Wait until you experience the heart smell which will pull your desire to stick to this product. It takes half an hour to appreciate the middle smell of the product. It is more intense compared to its top notes. You can likely sense the floral, nature smell of it that adds to its romantic and sexy fragrance. A tingle of peppermint also stands out making it cool and more invigorating. The lavender is slightly smelled just after the peppermint which is unique because it doesnt come in one sniff. Base Notes These are the scents that you will exactly live through after a day or two. This comes out once the spray dries on your skin or on your clothes. However, this also matters to each person wearing it. Some skin type does not absorb much of the perfume allowing only to smell the middle note of the perfume. It is better if you spray this on your clothes for lasting fragrance. Puor Hommes base notes are a combination of flavoured musk, velvety woods and much of a vanilla scent that is elegant and lusty. Many have tried and loved the underlying smell of this perfume. Men may spray this perfume just once in the morning and surely be chased by women even at the end of the day. Going out and having fun with friends after work is not a hindrance to you still smelling fresh and seductive. With this assortment of bottom scents can surely gain girls admiration. The Bottle Dolce Gabbana Perfume, as also illustrated above, is placed inside a semi-cylindrical bottle with a black cap cover. It appears simple and if only judged by its look then it will surely flop the market. Choosing a perfume does not actually matters on its bottle. Some are more attracted to colourful containers that they end up buying an unworthy product. There are also perfumes with both high quality and captivating bottles but Dolce Gabbana does not follow that trend. It only launched unfussy bottles but with its natural elegance from the name itself. No need to doubt about this product since the brand already proved itself even in 1985 as it started achieving its fame. The bottle is thick and not easily breakable once plunges down. It contains 1.7, 2.5 and 4.2 ounces of perfume which appears light yellow in color. Its label is also simple with no unnecessary texts written. The Spray Dolce Gabbana users can attest that it doesnt require ten sprays to experience the long-hour effect of this perfume. Two or three sprays are just good to perform its purpose. However, the length of time this bottle is used depends also on the consumers preference and to some factors such as the longevity of the fragrance and its effect on the person who will use it. Others are contented already even just a single spray as long as they sense the smell. Some are in excess when doing a spray because of fear that once, twice or thrice is not enough to give an alluring fragrance. Also, those who sweat a lot are advisable maybe to have more sprays than a non sweaty person does. Heavy sweats, like men into sports have, can vanish the scent of this perfume half day so it is better to carry this perfume with you once you plan to have a formal activity or stroll afterwards. Although famous brands assure high quality and effect of their products, it is still on the consumers hands if how will they utilize a product for it to last longer than expected. Fits for any Occasion This perfume suits for any occasion. This can be used either informal or formal events. Anywhere you want to go, this perfume has no limits. Some consumers find this scent as very strong and so they find it awkward to use it when going to the gym or department stores. This is just okay. No one can dictate you when to use your perfume as long as you can afford to purchase another one anytime. Hence, those who take months to save money to avail the product it is wise if you conserve the bottle for prolonged use. This is more costly compared to other perfumes or colognes so when you find your budget not enough to buy every month then use this in minimum or just in special occasions. The Cost Compared to other brands, Dolce Gabbana is more expensive. The manufacturers of this product are well known fashion designers and so their brand costs much. The prices of this perfume matters if where will you buy it. 1.7 and 2.5 ounces range from 21$ to 60$ whereas the 4.2 ounces ranges from 53$ to 75$. Dont worry, there are direct and online sellers who give discounts depending on the negotiation. Desired Users Dolce Gabbana perfume is desired for mens use. I can range this as 25-45 years old. Younger or older than this age does not really fit for this scent. This is more of a sex appealing fragrance and so bachelors are the favourable targets. Overall Dolce Gabbana Pour Homme is actually a good product based on its array of fragrances that are pleasing for men. Although the price is costly, quality is worth it. However, there are also perfumes out in the market that suits our budget and with almost the same quality as this brand has. Aside from paying for the product, consumers are also paying for the popular and elegant brand. It is actually depends on your taste, budget and desire if you want this perfume to be yours.
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